Chapter 10

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Greetings from author-chan,

Sorry I haven't been posting lately
*begins to question life and everything about it* here's the next chapter. Shout out to
for an idea they gave me in the comments section! Ok you can read the story now!

Fresh's POV
PJ stood there so I can start helping him with math.
((This is why math sucks and cool at the same time))
I brought him to my room.

"I thought your dad's home?"

"Oh, my dad? He's gone out somewhere."
We got in my room and sat down at my desk.
I started to look for the lesson but suddenly PJ picked me up from my chair and placed me on his lap.

"W-what?! PJ! What are you doing?!"

"You're so cute when you're confused.~"

"C-cute?! What's that supposed to-"

I was cut short from my thoughts when PJ started kissing my cheek.
I gasped loudly as I swore I heard him chuckle softly. His laughs calmed me down.
I started to relax as he moved his lips towards my neck.
I blushed deeply.
He turned me over so that I was facing him. I could clearly see his blush as he took my arms and put them around his neck. He put his arms around my waist as I wrapped my legs around his as he brought his face closer to mine.
Was this love? Is this feeling the one I have been longing to feel?
My eyes(?) widened as he closed the tiny gap between us. I slowly closed my eyes and melted into the kiss we shared.

This is love.

He pulled away as I stared at him, blush covering my face.

"Heh, blueberry face."

I blushed at my new nickname.
I started getting sleepy. PJ picked me up and placed me on my bed, cuddling next to me as we both fell into a light nap.
I woke up a little later and checked my watch. It wasn't to late to start the lesson. I slowly nugded PJ to wake him up.

"PJ, wake up. Its time to start the lesson."

We were halfway through the lesson when I heard the door slam open.


I jumped when I saw the tall dark figure standing in the doorway.
He looked mad. He dashed towards Fresh as he squeaked in horror. My brain processed what was going on. The man resembled Fresh a lot so I figured this was his father. No wonder he was hesitant to allow me in his home. My eyes(?) widened as I spotted a knife in his hand and Fresh's neck in the other.
((Don't worry, Fresh's neck is still attached to the rest of his body))
I pulled the man away and he gave my a look that didn't look good at all.

//DISCONTINUED//Black and White ( A nerd and jock story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя