Ch. 6 A 'Shocking' Weekend

Start from the beginning

Shocker: I uh, um.

y/n: Unless, you can't.....because you didn't invent them they where giving to you!

Shocker: Your a smart bug aren't ya.

Intercom in shockers helmet: What the hell are you doing!

y/n: Who are you working for, and why would they have rob the bank in mid-day.


y/n frantically pulls his scroll from his belt in his suit and sees that Yang is calling him.

y/n: OH no no no no no, not now!

He answers while frantically dodges shockers attacks.

y/n: Hey Yang! uh whats up?

Yang: Hey y/n, are you still coming to the class arena, for our training appointment, because you said that you would be here an hour ago.

y/n: Uh yeah, I am probably going to be late, I mean later than I am now.

Yang: I can barely hear you, is everything alright.

y/n: Yeah traffic is terrible and there are a lot of 'whaoh' angry drivers.

Yang: have a car?

y/n: Uhh..yeah? Um, company car! That's it, VNN is letting me borrow it.

Yang: Uh OK? I guess I will see you when you get her bye.


y/n: Hey Shocker, I hate to be rude but, I have got somewhere to be so, I kinda need to rap this up.

Shocker is now shooting shock waves like a mad man destroying any structure they come across with, and Spider-Man notices that his gloves are over heating.

y/n: Got it.

He keeps on dodging his attacks until the gloves get to hot and stop firing.

y/n: Should have slowed down Shockey!

y/n then uses this opportunity to get close and web up Shockers gloves and then webs ups his arms across his chest to makes sure he can't get out and then drop kicks him to the ground.

y/n: OK before I go just ask me one question, who do you work for.

Shocker: I...I can't.

y/n: Look buddy maybe...

He was cut off by the arivall of a platoon of Atlisian Knights marching behined him,  Spider-Man got up to see what was going on.

???: Thanks Spider-Man but we will take it from here.

y/n: Uh, who are you.

Ironwood: General Ironwood of Atlas, *looks at two robots* take him away.

They grab shocker roughly and take him to an armored vehicle, and the rest of the robots follow suit as well.

Ironwood: I suggest you leave 'hero'.

y/n: Wait, sir, where are you taking him?

Ironwood: Vale Medium Security.

y/n got in front of Ironwood.

y/n: You can't take him there yet, he is working with someone you got to question him first.

Ironwood: We know, it's Torchwick, he has been coordinating a string of robberies across town.

y/n: Sir, Torchwick would not send someone to rob a bank in broad daylight, and he has never stolen money before because he doesn't need it, its dust that he needs not...

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