Ch.17 Crush Pt.2

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Shiro's POV

I really like to watch Pidge work, it makes me smile, makes my whole day too. I always like to watch technology come together. I was never a geek or anything like that, but I enjoy to watch people work. I think it is fn to see smart people working. It is cool.

"Hey Lance," I say as I approach him.

"Hi Shiro," says Lance as he was still looking at the ceiling.

"Are you alright," I say as I try and lighten the mood.

"Just peachy," he says, he was always one of the sarcastic ones.

"You know it is ok to not and try and look tough," I say as I grab a chair and sit in front of Lance.

"You think I am trying to act tough," he says as he was chuckling.

"Well Lance, you are not really showing any emotion right now," I say as I try to make a point.

"I am just in shock," he says as he finally turns his head to face me.

"I am too," I say as I look at the ground.

"Why do you have ice growing on the side of your arm," He says as he turns his head back to look at the ceiling.

"No, but I do have a metal arm," I say as I look at it. It has caused a lot of damage. It can tear people apart. I felt like a murder every time I used it.

"You don't have to one-up me," He says, Lance, smiles a little bit. I was finally getting somewhere with this guy.

Keith's POV

I was walking around the room, I was trying to stay away from Lance. I feel really awkward around him now.

I hear a laugh coming from Shiro and Lance. I feel a pang of jealousy in my heart. I walk over to Pidge and ask her about Shiro and Lance. And ask about how her findings are going.

"Hey Pidge," I say as I am walking from behind her.

"Hey," I heard her say, but her mind was not on me right now.

"How is it going," I ask.

She just murmurs something and nodded her head.

So I ask her again just to make sure that she heard me. "Pidge, how is the research going on Lance," I ask. I said it really slow so she could try and understand me.

She murmurs something and nods her head again.

Now I am getting upset. I just want to know if Lance is ok or not. So I ask again.

"Pidge, how is the research on Lance going," I ask as I am right beside her.

And she does the same thing again. Murmurs and nods her head.

"Ahhhh, why can you just answer me," I yell at her. She jolted her head up.

"WHAT the heck Keith, all I want to do is work and all of you people just interrupts me," She yells back at me and leaves the room.

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