Ch.8 tests

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Shrio's POV

I was standing behind Pidge while Keith was standing next to me. Lance has come down with a ice disease. Allura said that we might find a cure, but she said it was really unlikely.

At least Lance is being a good sport about it. I feel like Keith thinks it is his fault that Lance has B.P.I.D, Blue Paladin Ice Disease. Pidge made up the name. No one really knows how to say it.

"You ready Lance" shout Pidge to Lance across the room.

"Yep" said Lance putting up a thumbs up, while having a smile on his face.

"Ok, let's do this" said Pidge popping her knuckles. "You guys ready?" She asked us with her hand over the button to start the test.

Keith and I nod our heads to say yes. Pidge took a deep breath and hit the button. Her computer went up in smoke but the signal went out, the wires had electric waves coming out of it. I can see Lance's face turn pale.

"LANCE TAKE OFF THE WIRES" screamed Keith running over to Lance.

Lance started to claw at the wires. He had all of them off except one. That is when Keith reached Lance. Keith then put out his hand to tear off the wire, and Lance did the same. There hands touching each other's.

That is when the electric waves came to them. Both of their bodies started to jolted when it hit them.

Once it left them, they fell over. But something happened to Lance's arm, where the ice was.
Fire like lit up Lance wound. Then the ice started to melt.

Pidge and I ran over to Keith and Lance. They were passed out, Lance was on his side where he was seated and Keith was on the ground facing up.

"Do you think they are alright?" Asked Pidge looking up at me, her eyes filled with so much worry.

"I think so, but we need to get them in a healing pod." I said trying to get Katie from worrying.

I took Lance while Pidge was trying to help me, but was failing terribly. She was dragging Keith.

Once we got to the pod room I felt Lance's wound grow again.

"Hey Pidge, did you see when Lance's wound shrink?" I asked her while I setting Lance in a pod. While Katie was trying to bring Keith to me to put him in a pod.

"Yea-h I did actually" she said, breathing hard from pulling Keith all around.

"How do you think that happened?" I asked as I picked up Keith to put him in a pod next to Lance's.

"Maybe, the electric waves did something." She said as she stood up from pulling Keith.

"Maybe" I said as I closed the door to Keith's pod.

Then I look at Keith then Lance, then back to Keith. Their hands were touching when the wave hit them. And it looked like fire on Lance's arm.


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