Ch.3 Training

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"OK" yelled Allura from the control panel.

Everyone else was in the room on the floor looking up at Allura.

"I want you to focus on what power you have." Said Allura.

On floor in front of each paladin was there element they control.

"I want you to feel how that element feels"
"How does it feel" said Allura.

"Does it hurt, does it fee-"

"MAYBE IF SHUT UP WE WILL KNOW" yelled Keith annoyed.

Everyone in room turned Keith.

"Wooa, ok Keith ccccaaallllmmm down." Said Lance surprised.

Keith huffed.

Allura a little hurt still continued though.

"How does it feel" she repeated.

After 3 hours of saying that nothing happened excepted for Shrio's his moved and floated. They took a break for lunch then went back to training.

Everyone was focusing on their element until Shrio's grew big and exploded.

Everyone was flabbergasted. Including Shrio.

"Umm sorry everyone, is everybody ok" said Shrio.

Shrio was rambling about how sorry he was or how everyone was ok.

Once everyone calmed down they tried to move their element except for Shrio he called it a day.

Then all at once all of their element flew around the room. Flying, gliding,up, down and all around the room. All off the paladins eyes glowed around their iris, glowing the color of their element. For Lance's eyes bight blue for Keith's eyes red Pidge green and Hunk yellow.

Their powers flowing though them. They felt all that power until it started to overwhelm them they started to stop feeling their bodies they started to faint. Their power was to strong for them.

After they woke up the wanted to go again but what they didn't know was their bodies couldn't handle it again their bodies could undevelop their power.

"You were great today but we need to take it easy." Said Allura.

"But we don't want to" said Lance like a child.

"You could have terrible consequences" said Allura.

"Like what"asked Keith wanting to know more.

Allura sighed " you could lose your power forever"

Everyone in the room fell silent.

"We could" said Keith.

"How do we not lose our power" said Lance.

"Take it easy." Said Allura "in a few hours we can start again, but until you are professionals at your powers take. It. Easy."

Hunk got up and went to the kitchen to make food. "Anyone hungry"

Everyone said yes.

Everyone then started talking to one another. No one was really worried about losing their powers yet.....


" So you say the paladins have powers now"

"Yes sir"

"Keep an eye on them"



2 weeks earlier

"Sir do you think they can develop the powers"

"They are different than me"

"So you are not worried"

"Not at all"


He shook his head. And the man was dismissed.

Inside of his head he was worried.

For this part was a little confusing. It was ment to be a person talking to a different person. The identity of them are supposed be unknown.

 𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙏𝙬𝙤 || Klance [✔️] Shidge [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now