Ch.6 v/s pt.2

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Keith's POV

I really didn't want to do this. I can hardly control my powers.

Lance surged, he went into a stance, he back leg went back and his hands went to fists.

I did the same.

Lance took a deep breath, water came rushing out of his knuckles.

I quickly roll on my side to avoid it.

The water soon returned to lance.

It circled him.

I jump back up. I throw a hard punch at Lance.

Lance brought up his water that was circling him.

My fire hit his water.

Steam came rushing quickly.

Lance cleared the steam. Looks like he can control steam.

Wow. He's hot...what no I meant to say thats it hot in here.

I'm not saying that he isn't hot.


never mind

Once the steam cleared. Lance jumped up to try to get me off guard to get me.

Water came from his feet. Every time he kicked, bullets of water came at me.

I jump back.

One of his hits got me.

I wince.

It hit me in my stomach. I cradled it with my arm.

My turn.

Lance's POV

After my hit Keith took his hand away from stomach. He pulsed both of his arms back then he quickly pulled his arms together in front of him with his hands turn to fists. A blaze of fire came out.

I couldn't move fast enough so try to put water in front of me to stop it.

It did but, my water turned to ice.

"Woah." Said Keith.

I nod, I still have no idea what I just did.

My turn.

I throw a punch while kicking my right leg back to stabilize me.

I grunt while throwing the punch. My arm is stinging. I don't look at it, I need to focus at what is at hand.

Once my arm is as far as it can go the shells of ice I made shatters into tiny ice particles.

Keith pulls up a fire wall to protect him from the flying ice.

Once the ice hits Keith's fire wall it turns to water.

"Good job both of you." Said Allura walking toward us.

I wipe sweat from my head. "Thanks." My arm starts to sting again. This time a look at it. I lift up my coat sleeve.

Oh no, there was ice growing on my arm. "Umm, Allura!" I said starting to freak out.

She was not even paying attention to me. She was talking to Keith.

"Allura!" I scream. She turns around, finally.

"What is it Lance?" She said, irritated.

I show her my arm. Her face went pale.

"Oh no, Lance." Allura said, she put a hand up to her mouth. Her eyes started to water.

"Allura what's wrong?" I said starting to worry.

Keith was just staring at my arm. He had no emotion to on his face.

"Allura, what's wrong?" I said starting to worry even more.

Allura was crying now.

"Allura what do I have?" I said again.

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