Ch. 12 The Glass

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Shrio's POV: Before Lance and Keith came in to do more tests

I was looking at a glass piece by the computer, since Katie and I switched spots, so we could have fresh eyes to look at new things.

The glass piece had jagged edges all around it. I was about to pick it up but it shined like a diamond, glass only shines like that, only if it has a spell on it.

I take back my hand that was about to touch the 'glass'. Then I wonder about Katie. If there is another piece of glass on her side, and she touches it, she will have a heavy curse on her.

I jump up and run over to Katie. I see her hand go down to the ground, she had a puzzled look on her face.

Then I see an all too familiar look on the ground where her hand was going, she was about to touch the glass.

"KATIE DON'T TOUCH IT" I scream, I saw her tumble back, clearly shaken at why I yelled at her.

As I come closer to her I see her breathing quite hard, "Sorry Katie, didn't mean to yell at you, but you can not touch that glass." I said as I tried to comfort her.

"Thank you for saying sorry for scaring me to death," she said sarcasm dripping from her tone of voice. "But why can I not touch the glass, I could study it and see if it caused, what happened to Lance, and Keith," she said as she continued her sentence.

"Because, that glass right there is shiny, too shiny to for something that caused an electrical error, you remember that wave that happened....." I was starting to lose words on what to say, I sigh. "That wave burned like the wires, so how did the glass not get burned like the wires," I said cutting to the case.

I see Katie's eyes wander around the floor where the wires were. There were tiny burn marks, then Katie's eyes went back to the glass.

"It is cursed isn't it," she said standing up, brushing off her pants.

"Yes," I said feeling bad for Katie, that curse almost killed Lance, and almost Keith, and it fried her computer too.

"How can we get it out of here without touching it, because last time I checked we can't move anything without touching it," she said with a bit of sass in her voice.

"I....honestly have no idea how we are going to get it out of here," I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

Then all of a sudden the green lion came to life, her eyes glowed with yellow, then she let out a roar with a ton of air flying all around the room. Then, the green lion pulled her neck down then she put us in her mouth. I let out a gasp once we were inside.

Katie laughed at me, then the anti-gravity turned off. Everything in the room started to float around, including the glass. Then, the airlock opened and everything started to fly out. Katie screamed at her computer, and the green lion took it in her grasp. Once the glass went outside, the green lion set up down and everything went back to normal.......well almost everything.

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