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Location; West Hollywood, California
July 4, 1984


I roughly park a few blocks down the party house. It was a fourth of July party that my classmates were hosting. I never had the intentions to go but it's much better than stay at home and think about my miserable life.

I take out a cigarette from my pocket and I light it casually. A few were offering me drinks but I declined them all because I didn't feel like drinking. The lights were a bit dim and everyone was laughing and dancing to the music. I looked around and my eyes stopped at a girl.

She had long hair with blonde streaks on her honey hair. She was smiling. I had never seen her in my life before. But she reminds me of someone.  I walked up to her slowly.  Is that Charlotte?

"L-Lottie?" I touched her shoulder and she turned her head quickly. It wasn't her. I'm fucking stupid to even think that. I made a dumb mistake.
"Oh, hi Billy," she replied. I didn't recognise her name or the face. She looks so much like her, it's not even funny.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry I thought you were someone else," I said, walking away from her. She gave me a confused look.

I spent the entire time smoking cigs in the corner of the room by myself. I felt no motivation to talk to any girl or drink. I felt lonely. I wanted to be lonely. Some days I get tempted to write an entry but I stop myself.

What if she is dead? Or..what if she left the lab and is now just a normal teenage girl? It's been four years. No, she's dead. People that go there never return. She died. Stop thinking about her, Billy. There are many more women in the world. The world doesn't revolve around her.

I shook my head and continued smoking my cigs. I leaned back and closed my eyes. 

"Come outside to see the fireworks!" a group of guys ran up to me. I followed them outside and I sat there watching their many failed attempts at lighting fireworks. It was quite amusing.

I think I find Fourth of July as a way to get drunk and light up fireworks. I looked around and noticed many people who have had way too much to drink. They were people cheering and laughing. I stood by myself with a small frown on my face. The people next to me were with their friends and significant others.

I couldn't stand being here anymore. I felt alone. I stomped out of the backyard and someone grabs my shoulder, "Billy, where ya going? You're gonna miss the prank we're gonna pull on someone!"

"I don't care," I replied. "Dude, C'mon," he grabbed my arm and I harshly pushed him back, "Leave me alone," I threatened.

He froze in place and I left the party and drove home.

word count; 501

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