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Location: Hawkins Lab 1983


I pasted my most recent drawing on the white wall. You can tell the back of the sheet has scribbles and something was crossed off. I tried putting my name on it, but then I forget it's no longer my name. It's my deadname.

Brenner told me not to use it anymore, or he'll send me to the cell.

I heard low groaning on the dark side of my room. It's been going on for days, It doesn't bother me. I sat on my solid bed and I stared at the red glowing light. I stared at it for what almost seems like an hour, until the low growling quiets down. It seems like something wants to go through the wall. I stood up and I walked over there.

The dark side of my room felt colder, my feet felt like I was walking on something much colder than cold. Freezing?

It was no longer a low growl, more like a scream and whatever creature it was, stretched out and ripped open my wall. I couldn't do anything, I just stood there. I decided to use my powers to rip open the wall more. I lifted my hand and I focused.

The wall crumbled and a small little creature came out. Nothing else. I then proceeded to close the wall. It closed and I wiped my bloody nose. The little creature looked like a slimy glob that dragged itself and left residue on the floor. It quickly moved to the darkest side of the room, the side where I usually stay at when I have a bad day.

"Are you...okay?" I quietly asked it. It said nothing.

"Are you hungry?" I stood up and I grabbed some leftovers from my last meal that was wrapped in a napkin. I broke a piece of the loaf of bread and I gently placed it as close to it as possible. It took a bite and gave a small smile before eating it all.

I smiled. I then gave it the entire loaf since I never really liked banana. I watched it as it enjoyed every piece of the bread.

"Are you a boy or girl?" the little creature just lowly growled a bit. "Boy?" it answered with a scream.

"Okay. Well, you can stay here as long as you want. You can also be by my bed if you'd like." It just stays there for a bit. "Can I take a better look at you?" I grabbed a flashlight near my bedside.

I flashed the light on him and he let out an awful screech. "You don't like the light?" I flash it one more time and it screeched again. "Oh, well. I'm sorry. You can just stay here then." I muttered.

"I'll name you..napkin? Banana? Bread? Banana Bread. Banana Bread."

The lights flickered signalling me that it's time to go to bed. "Goodnight, Banana Bread." I stood up and I went to bed.

word count; 580
(we are almost entering the present era, aka 1984 and i hope you guys don't think this story will be like any other stranger things story. this story will feature real people, and yes right now those people are either dead or real old. but this is an 80's story so they are young in this time period.) i hope you all are enjoying this story because i enjoy writing it so much. i love you all.

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