Chapter 13

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AN - Please don't hate me. :P

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to Jazz_tyrell for his awesome book. I loved how he has an aggrandized world of teenage highschool cliques. It's a fun read! Read 'The Gay Knight vs. The Homophobic King' Link on the side.

Also here's a picture of Adrian.

Matthew/Kirk’s POV

Entering the pack house I saw my Dad and Beta Lucas waiting for me at the doorsteps. “Son, how are you?” He grinned at me jovially.

I looked at him with caution. “I’m fine Dad.” My dad was far too happy or something. Beta Lucas’ mouth was flickering from a grim line into a smile and back again. Weird.

“Well, I’m leaving for the rest of the day and putting you in charge until I come back.”

“Okay dad, I can handle the pack-“ I just managed to step inside the door when I heard the door slam shut.

“Also the packhouse is under lockdown until I come back!” My dad yelled at me through the other side of the door. The packhouse wasn’t really a house. It’s a fortress with steel doors and strong grills attached to windows to prevent rogues and enemy werewolves from jumping through. It also meant people inside can’t go outside.

Clinking chains and the sound of a lock snapping shut made me scramble for the door. “Dad this isn’t funny, what’s going on?”

“Just safety procedure son. Lucas and I will scout the area for some unidentified threat!” I could hear Lucas’ barely muffled scandalized laughter.

I pushed with all my strength at the steel doors of the packhouse making it shudder but it stayed shut. From the other side, I heard my dad slamming a car door shut and the squeal of tires leaving the driveway. What now?

I started walking to find the fire exits when I saw Adrian running towards me. “What’s wrong Aeds? You look like there are ghosthounds after you.” My Beta-to-be was huffing heavily.

“Run!” He grabbed my arm and dragged me along.

“What’s going on?” I picked up the pace and ran alongside him.

“Your Dad,”






I snorted in reply to Adrian. I already knew my dad lost his marbles a long time ago. Suddenly, I noticed that the usual bustling packhouse was eerily silent. “Aeds, what’s going on?” I asked him as we skidded to a stop which made me crash on his back.

Adrian was still panting as he cautiously looked over a corner. In his hand was a can of air freshener in which he started spraying me and himself generously. “What the-“ I coughed as the strong smell of lemon filled my nostrils.

“Sshhh!” I’ve never seen Adrian panic before and this was hilarious. I’d laugh except that things were starting to creep me out.

“There’s only the two of us here.” Adrian was whispering low enough for me to hear.

Oh my goddess. I stood in shock. Do Dad and Beta Lucas want me and Adrian locked in here? What weird kinky stuff are they planning for the two of us?

Adrian saw my facial expression and smacked me upside the head. “Quit it Matt, you’re hot and all but I’m straight.” He growled at me.

“Hey, I’ve had a near rape experience with a werebear recently so this-“ I waved my hands in the air. “Is freaking me out. What does Dad want with the two of us locked in here?”

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