"No buts Harry. Just shut up and read your book. We've got 100 books left"

"Oh Merlin help us please" Harry throw his hands to the air exaggeratedly and I rolled my eyes playfully at him

"You know, you're a really drama king"

"No I'm not"


Then we both continue reading for another thirty minutes before Harry yawned loudly and i raised one of my eyebrows at him


"I'm really tired Ginny. I don't think I can read another book"

"You can. We have to"

"No we don't have to. I'm just going to tell the judge that I can't do it. I.."

"Lighten up! Hermione And Ron will be here any second and.."

"Hang on.. where is Hermione and Ron? What took them so long?"

"I have no idea Harry but.."

"Don't you think it's odd that Professor McGonaggal keeps them this long?"

"Harry what are you getting into?"

"What if they're in trouble Ginny?"

"No they don't harry. Just relax and continue reading the book"

"I can't! I'm really really tired and I wanted to see Hermione"

"Harry I've sacrificed a lot tonight for being with you so please.. just read your book"

"But Ginny what if it's Malfoy's giving them trouble?"

I rolled my eyes inwardly.

No you idiot! He's waiting for me at our date. Or at least he was.

Oh Merlin, he's gonna be so angry at me.

This is our first date since we've been back together and i blew it up.

I'm really screwed.


"Oh yeah what?"

"As i was saying..."

"Yeah and I heard you perfectly, alright? Stop it, it's not Malfoy"

"But how..."

"I just know, Okay Harry? So stop talking nonsense and focusing on your book"

"You know what? I think both of us are really tired that caused us to be so cranky. I think we should take a break for a while. Waiting for Hermione and Ron"

I sighed and close the current book that I'm reading

"Fine. But for fifteen minutes only and after that, we continue reading because Hermione will kill us if she knows we waste our time for a quick nap"


I lay my head down on the table and closing my eyes.

I'm just gonna sleep for fifteen minutes, and then I'm gonna get up and continue reading until we can find the solution to Harry's problem.

Yeah that's it.

But apparently, both of us slept away until the morning where Dobby wakes us up and we both left the library in a hurry.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. This is bad. This is so very bad" I said while we're running to the lake

"They caught Hermione. I have to get her back Ginny!"

"I know harry but.."

"No buts. I'm going in there even if it kills me. I'm going to have to try. I won't let her.."

"And I won't too. Look we.."

"This is my only chance" he shows me that disgusting thing Neville gave him earlier.

"You know that's really disgusting"

"I know but I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to save Hermione"

"Fine. Then just swallow it. Quickly!"

He made it to the champions stand and I tried to stabilize my breath at the back of the crowds.

I just finished adjusted my breath when I smell his cologne.

I looked up and see It's Draco! And he's standing only five inches apart from me.

I gulped and he leaned down to whisper to my ear

"You're coming with me right now. You've got a lot of explaining to do"

"But I.."

"No buts" he said in stern tone and I sighed before turned around and follows him back to the castle.

Oh Merlin, I'm doomed.

I'm The One • DrinnyWhere stories live. Discover now