; 30

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So your friends been telling me, you've been sleeping with my sweater, and that you've been missing me.

Bet my friends been telling you, I'm not doing much better, cause I'm missing half of me.

Being here without you, its like I'm waking up to,

Only half a blue sky, kinda there, but not quite.

I'm walking around with just one shoe, I'm half a heart without you.

I'm half a man at best, with half an arrow in my chest.

I miss everything that we do, I'm half a heart without you.

- Half A Heart (One Direction)

++ ++ ++


"So he's not coming back until London?" I asked as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. Zayn nodded, I sighed and put my mug down on the coffee table.

"Why?" Zayn looked at me with surprise.

"What do you mean why? Margo is hi-"

"Was, was his girlfriend." I cut him off. Zayn held both of his hands out and act like he surrendered.

"Woah, calm down big boy. It's not like you like her or-" he looked at me closely, "no... no way!" he shouted.

He stood up and held his waist like a grandmother. He covered his mouth and shook his head.

"Calum... no..." he said softly. Might as well tell him, I nodded my head.

"Does Margo know?" I nodded my head again. He tapped his fingers on the coffee table and sighed.

"Is Margo that pretty? Yeah, I know she's pretty, but Adrianna is beautiful," he said in admiration, "if you get what I mean, of course." he coughed. I looked at him and laughed.

"Our conversation was about Ashton, then Margo and now your sex life? Zayn, where your head at?" I asked teasingly. He looked at me, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I mean, if you-"

"Zayn, shut up. I don't want to know how your sex life is!" my tone increasing. I shook my head threw a pillow at him.

"I was just tea-" he got cut off my a knock on the door. I stood up and opened the door. Paul was in sight with his phone in his hand.

"Calum, just the man that this person wants to talk to." he said, smiling. I nodded my head to him and said my thanks. I took the phone out of Paul's hand and held it by my ears.

"Hello?" I said. I heard sheets ruffling through the line.

"Uh, hello?" the person said.

"Abeza, babe, what's up?"

"I-is it true?" she stuttered.


"Yo-you and Margo, you guys kissed. Is it true?"

The colours that existed in my face, drained. I could feel my lips drying up, my breathing quickened.

"Wh-who told you this?" this time, I was the one who stuttered.

"Margo." she said sobbingly.

"Abeza, yes, we did kiss, that's beca-"

"Because you liked her from the beginning?" she said, "and that you date me to make her jealous? Guess what Mr, she's not."

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