; 23

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Look at me now I'm falling, I can't even talk, still stuttering.

This ground of mine keeps shaking. Oh, oh, oh now!

All I want to be, all I ever want to be yeah, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you.

All I want to be, all I ever want to be yeah, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you.


It's been three days since the incident, and Margo still hasn't called me. My jaw is still purple. The side of my eyes is yellow-purple-ish. Mum's been bugging me to go to Margo's house and apologies. Somehow she knew what happened. And she's mad at me. Lauren isn't talking to me because she said I broke Margo's heart, which is partly true and Harry, oh Harry. He's been confused to as why Lauren isn't talking to me and Mum being mad at me. But he just minded his own business.

I looked at my lock screen picture and sighed. Should I? I thought to myself. I text her after the fight saying that I'm drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. She saw the message, but didn't reply. I took in deep breaths and got up to put on my shoes. I walked down the stairs and saw Lauren watching MTV. Margo's face and Zayn Malik's face popped up beside each other.

"You Tuber, Margo Hugo's sister, Adrianna Hugo is dating, the Zayn Malik?" the girl said. "Stay tune for the gossip tonight at seven o'clock."I was glued to where I was standing. Margo's sister is dating Zayn Malik? What?! I thought to myself. It's like Lauren can hear my thoughts, she looked back at me. She scoffed and rolled her eyes and watched the TV again. I shook my head and headed towards the door.

I closed the door behind me softly and walked my way to Margo's house. From a distance, I could see people, more like men's with cameras, crowding outside of Margo's house. I fast walked and pushed my way through to get to the gate. I had to push the gate to prevent the men's not to enter Margo's house. My heart was beating fast. This is the first time in three days, since I came to Margo's house. I raised my hand to knock on the door, but let my hand down again.

"Dude! Just knock the god damn door already!" one of the men shouted behind me. I looked back and looked at them. They nodded towards the door and screamed, "Margo! Come out!" I scoffed and looked back at the door. Come on Ashton. Just knock the door. I thought to myself. I nodded my head and knocked on the door. I heard foot shuffling and Marcus barking. The door rustled and opened. But only the person's eyes could be seen. The door closed again and the lock on top of the door got undone by the person. Jim opened the door. He smiled at me and gestured me to come in. Cameras behind me started clicking.

"Hi Ashton," he said. "Long time no see." he smiled warmly. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah Lo-" I got cut off by Margo's voice.

"Dad is that Abeza?" she asked. Jim looked at me and smiled sadly.

"Um... Yeah." he lied. He winked at me and took his coat in his forearm.

"Good luck, buddy." he whispered and walked out the door. I heard door squeaked opened and closed back. I could only hear my own heart thumping inside me. I was so nervous. I heard foot steps. I looked up and saw Margo looking down at me. Her eyes big in surprise and her body stood frozen on the steps.

++ ++ ++


I heard Dad talking to someone. I pushed my body up from my bed. I peeked from my curtain, still paparazzi's. I sighed and opened my door.

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