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I looked down at my timetable,

Period 1: French WW1 (RenM)

I sighed and pulled my bag higher. I didn't know wheres this French class is, so I decided to ask this girl by her locker, "Um, hi, do you know wheres WW1?". She looked at me with a gum in her mouth and popped it, "You go down the corridor and turn right. Its the last room" she said and focused back to her locker. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Thanks". I walked in the direction she gave me and found my class. Everyone was already in. I knocked on the door and a women in her mid 50's appeared, "Bonjour" she said. I smiled, "Bonjour, Je m'applle Margo, Je suis nouveau ici" she smiled and nodded her head, "Ah oui, oui. Venir dans" I smiled and went in. To my luck, Abeza, the girl that I met before in roll call was there. I sat beside her and got out my exercise book. She smiled and went back to writing. "Hey Margo" she whispered. I looked at her, trying hard not to laugh, "Hey Abeza" I copied her tone. She giggled and shook her head. "Bonjour la classe" the French teacher said, they all replied with "Bonjour Madame". She looked at me and smile, "Class, we have a new student. Her name is Margo" I covered my face in my hands and sighed. "Margo, would you like to introduce yourself?" she asked. I shook my head and Abeza nudged me. I glared at her, she mouthed sorry. I stood up and went to the front, "Hi, my names Margo, I'm from London and yeah" I said looking at the teahcer. She smiled and said. "Do you speak French?", "Yeah a little bit", "Ah, would you mind introducing yourself again? But in French please" I sighed and closed my eyes, "Bonjour, Je m'applle Margo, Je suis anglaise. Je parle anglais et un peu de français" I opened my eyes to see that everyone was looking at each other. They looked at me again with a confused expression. "Bonjour Margo, Je suis Madame Renoir, bienvenue à cette classe" I nodded and smiled. "I didn't even understand a word you said after 'My names Margo'" Abeza said as I sat. I laughed and shook my head, "What can I say? She asked me to introduce myself in French" I giggled. The class went on and on, until the bell rang. We packed our things and went out. I got held back by Madame Renoir, so I had to stay in. "Margo, that was impressive" she smiled. I smiled and nodded, "Thank you". "How long have you studied French?" she asked, "About a year and a half, somewhere around there" I said. She nodded and gave me a sheet of paper, "This is about the excursion that we're going in about a month time, we're going to New Caledonia. About 3 weeks? It would lovely if you join in" she said. I nodded and said my thank you. Abeza was waiting for me outside of the class room, "Woah, took you so long" she said, wiping a fake sweat from her forehead. I laughed, "Well, she gave me this-" I got cut off by Ashton's voice, "Yo, Cal, Margo is here. Like in Winchester High" he said. I moved my head to the side and quickly looked behind, I saw both of them walking behind us.

I followed Abeza to where we're going to eat. We sat on the ground with Ellie, Abeza's friend and another girl, she eyed me up and down and smiled. She had this straight hair, her fringe was pinned to the side of her hair. "Hi, I'm Niharika. They call me Rico for short" she smiled and stretched her long hands towards me. I looked at her hand with wide eyes. Abeza and Ellie started laughing, "Hi, um, I'm Margo. Not to be rude, you have long ass arms" I said shaking her hand. She laughed, "Not offended at all". I felt a presence beside me. I turned my head to the side and saw Ashton getting his lunch box out. I cleared my throat, "Um, what do you think you're doing?" I asked, chewing my sandwich. He looked at me thru his squinted eyes and smiled, "What? Can't I sit with my own girlfriend?" He wrapped his arms around me. My eyes widened and slapped his stomach, "Ashton, stop" I laughed. They looked at me in awe. "You guys are so cute!" Ellie shriek. I looked at her and laugh, "He's not even my friend, let alone boyfriend" I said, looking at Ashton, who is giving me a puppy dog face. I ruffled his hair and continued talking and eating with my new friends.


The day went so fast, I walked back with Ashton and Rico. Ashton decided that he wanted to hang out with me at my house. I unlocked the door and threw the keys in the key bowl. I took my shoes off and put my bag down beside the couch. I went into the kitchen and got out 2 cans of Coke. I threw one to Ashton and it landed on his groin. "Ouch!" he shouted. I just sat there and laugh. We watched Happy Days (My Favvvvvvvveeeeee) while eating chips. My phone rang, I checked the number and it was blocked, "Hello?" the person said. I just stayed quiet. "Hello? Margo are you there?" the person said in a sing-a-song voice. "Who is this?" I asked. "Its Adrianna you dumbhead!" She said. I got up from the couch and jumped, "Heyyy! How are you?!" I screamed. Ashton gave me a dirty look and turned up the volume. I hit him on his arms and lowered down the volume. "I'm good! How is Aussie treating you so far? Is Dad okay?", "Yeah he's fine, Aussie's fine, I'm fine" I smiled.
"Hey, I'm coming to Australia, for a fashion show in Sydney. I already booked a ticket to Sydney and I'm arriving tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the morning" I screamed my lungs out and repeat the word 'Oh my God' for a thousand time. Ashton looked at me and shook his head. I said my goodbye and hung up the phone. I jumped on the couch and shrieked, "OH MY GOD!! MY SISTER IS COMING TOMORRRRRROOOOWWW!!!!" Ashton laughed and hugged me. "Good on you! Finally I can meet your hot sister" he winked. I slapped his chest and laughed.


I heard the door unlocked, I popped my head up and saw Dad with a big box. I looked at the box suspiciously and looked at Dad. "Here this box is too heavy" he gave me the box. I opened it and saw a cute pug puppy. I squealed in excitement and held it up. The pug looks scared. "Is it a he or a she?" I asked Dad, he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, "Its a he" he smiled. "Oh my God, I'm gonna name him, Marcus" I said as I snuggled my face on to his. He licked my face and barked. I put Marcus down and hugged Dad, "Thanks Dad" I said. He kissed on top of my head and smiled, "Anytime".







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-E xx

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