; 18

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Shouldn't have zoomed in Margo, I said as I chocked on my drink, again. My eyes widened as I zoomed in the picture of the bitch and Zayn Malik. Joe came to me and patted my back. I grabbed the sides of the table and coughed for my life. Joe patted harder that I felt a tingle of burning at my back. I nodded my head signalling that I've recovered. Joe sat back down beside the Cameron kid. Tyler looked at me and arched his eyebrow, "What just happened?" he asked while pointing to my phone then to me. I just waved my hand and shook my head. This can't be real, a small voice said in my head as I scanned the photo over and over again. I stood up and cleared my throat, "I'm going outside to um... make a call." I said. They nodded and went back to chatting.

I pushed the glass doors, warm breeze hit my face. I inhaled a deep breath and let it out. I can't believe what I just saw. A picture of my own sister with the pop star. I ran my hand through my brown hair and sighed. I need answers. I dialed up Adrianna's number, it ringed three times until her voice was on the line,

"Hello?" she started off.

"Don't 'hello' me! When did you wanted to tell me and Dad?!" I shouted roughly through the phone.

"Tell you what?" she asked calmly. Her being calm wanted me to shout even more. I took in deep breaths and let it out slowly as possible.

"You and Zayn. When did you plan to tell us?" I asked. My tone more calmer than before. She sighed over the line,

"Soon." she said. I shook my head and tightened my jaw even more. I didn't want to shout at her again.

"Do you feel guilty?" I asked sternly. I just couldn't believe that 'the bitch' is my own bloody sister! She sighed again and answered simple and short,

"They weren't meant to be." something in me flared.

"They were meant to be together! But no! You just had to be a bitch and interfere with their freaking relationship!" I started to shout again. I couldn't just let this go, because what if suddenly my fans or anybody finds out that she's my sister? My career will be in jeopardy! I know I'm being a slefish bitch here, but seriously, date a normal person!

"Do you know what will happen to my career if they find out that you're my sister?! They'll kill me Adrianna! I'm getting hate from Ashton's fans and I don't want people hating me even more when they find this fucking thing out!" I shouted. Adrianna just sighed.

"I'll make sure they won't send you hate. Have a nice day Margo." and she hung up. Leaving me beyond mad and wanting to strangle her to death.

++ ++ ++


I've had a long day today. Finding out my sister is dating the Zayn Malik, my friends asking me what happened? Why did I act like a baboon who didn't get its banana. Right now, I just need to calm down and take a bath. Yeah, bath sounds good right now. I went into the bathroom to get my bath ready, putting my soap in the warm water. Ruffling the waters so that the bubbles shows up. I tied my hair into a messy bun and got into the bath tub. I played Coldplay's album while I'm relaxing. The steam of the water clouded the bathroom's space. Fogging the mirror that was located on the wall beside me. I just closed my eyes and let the music cover the bathroom. Should I be proud of her? the question has been on my mind since I was at the restaurant. Should I be proud of her though? I mean yes, I am mad at her, but breaking off someone's engagement? Are you serious? I plucked the chain thingy that helps to keep the water in the tub and got out. Wrapping myself with the hotel's white towel. I checked my phone for the time and saw I got three unknown misscalls. It couldn't be the Cameron kid, because I saved his number. Maybe it's the Nash kid, I don't know.

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