; 17

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Great the two boys are coming to the late lunch. I huffed and followed the others out the door. I climbed up the tall platform of the van, I've got to sit between the Cameron kid and the Nash kid. The Cameron kid has been eyeing me since the elevator encounter. My thoughts dissolved as I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I turned my head, since my body was strapped with the seat belt, I saw Joe smirking. I nodded to the side, "What?" I hissed, clearly pissed off because I have to strain my neck. He just smirked and continue to talk to Alfie. I turned my head to front again and looked out the front window. Palm trees decorated the side walks, cars driving fast, children with their ice cream, since it's summer here. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the Nash kid got his phone out, he pressed this application. The application is in lime green, with the letter 'V' on it. He started to record himself. The video lasted for six seconds. "What is that?" I asked to the Nash kid while pointing to his phone. He clicked his tongue together, "It's Vine, you just record yourself or someone else and upload it. But it's just six seconds." he shrugged his broad shoulders. 

++ ++ ++

The ride to the restaurant was quite interesting. The Cameron kid and the Nash kid started to crack jokes up, making 'Vines' and stuff. They're just goofy. They act unnecessarily to things. They remind me of Ashton. We got off the van and into the restaurant. I saw a crowd of fan outside the restaurant. Sometimes, they amaze me how they know where we exactly are. I stopped for a few photo's with them. I was about to go inside the restaurant when I heard my name being called. I turned my body and saw a black haired girl waving at me. I walked to her and smiled,  "Hey." I said while hugging her small figure. She shrieked and covered her mouth. I laughed at her reaction, "Anything you would like me to do?" I asked. She nodded and shoved her phone case to me. I asked for a marker from one of the body guards. I signed the phone cover and smiled. I hugged her again and went inside. As we sat down, Joe was talking about how a guy flashed his bum at Joe. We all cracked up. Sometimes, it's radical here in America. You don't know what you're in for. And that's why we, 'tourists' like it here. I felt a buzz coming from my pocket. I got my phone out and looked at the caller ID, unknown. I pressed the green button and held the phone close to my ear, 

"Hello?" I started off. I heard heavy breathing at the other line. I looked up from my phone, coincidentally the Cameron kid was on his phone too. He smirked at me. I tried again, "Hello?" the person laughed, "It's Cameron!" the person shouted. I pressed the end button and threw him my napkin. He caught the napkin and threw it at me again. A brunette waitress came and took our orders. It wasn't hard for us to notice that the Nash kid was trying so hard flirting with the waitress. I snickered and shook my head. I got another buzz, I checked my phone, it was an iMessage from Ashton. I smiled to the text,

From: Ashton <3

Heyya babe :) missing you back here. Really wanted you to see our first gig :( xx

To: Ashton <3

:( Me too. You could fly here and sing/play for me if you want ;) xx

I chuckled to the text and locked my phone. A few seconds later I got a buzz,

From: Ashton <3

Yeah, I could ;) what are you doing btw?

To: Ashton <3

I'm out with ma buddyz eating. Jetlags been kicking my ass *insert meh emoji*

From: Ashton <3

Aww :( Hope you get some rest after eating with ya 'buddyz' ;P Love you! xoxoxoxo

I smiled down at the text,

To: Ashton <3

Will do :) Love you too <3 xoxo P/s: say hi to the boys and have fun doing your gig! Love you (again) 

From: Ashton <3

Yeeeep ;) Love you more byeeeeee xxxx

I locked my phone and talked to the rest.

While waiting for the food, Tyler strikes up  conversation, "So Margo..." he trailed off and took a sip from his drink, "Heard you're with Mr. Ashton Irwin." he plastered a devilish smirk.  I almost chocked on my drink. I coughed about a billion times, finally I recovered. "How?" I asked while wipping the corners of my mouth. He pursed his lips and took another sip, "Oh you know, Adrianna." he said. They all nodded in agreement. Only the two boys who just looked at us in total confusion. Tyler whispered something in the Nash's kid ears. He shaped his mouth into an 'o' shape and smiled. I scoffed and took my phone out again. And since, they dissolved in their own chats. 

I searched up 'One Direction', and a milliseconds later all these gossips about them showed up. I've been a fan of them since X-Factor. Zoella got to interview/meet them and in that time period, I didn't even talk to her. I was so jealous. I clicked on the one that said 'Zayn with another girl? What happened to Perrie?' I read about the gossip, never knew he would break off his engagement for a bitch, I thought to myself as I sipped my drink. I looked at the photos, I zoomed in.

Shouldn't have zoomed in Margo. I thought to myself as I chocked on my drink, again.

++ ++ ++





Short update for ya'll. I'll be updating maybe on Friday or tomorrow if I have the time :)


Love you guys :) <3

Oh p/s: I realized that on the last chapter, Michael didn't even asked Luke 'truth or dare' but let's just pretend that Michael knew Luke too well and just dared him? Love you <3 :)

-E xx

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