; 5

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"So do you have any sibling? or with the 's'?" Calum asked. I looked at him and scrunch up my nose, "yeah I do, but they're somewhere on this globe" I said, smiling. I just realised that I didn't even talked to my brother nor sister, I sighed and rubbed my hands on my face. Calum looked at me with his brown eyes that can melt your bejezuz out, "what? what's wrong?" he asked, scooting closer to me, "I just.. I didn't even call my siblings" I sighed again. He wrapped his arm around my waist and rubbed my sides in circles, "It's alright, um, if you don't mind me asking, um, where are your siblings?" I looked up at him and gave him a small smile, "my brother Adam is in Hawaii doing his DJ things" I chuckled "and my sister, Adrianna is doing her job as an Editor at Vougue Magazine in New York City, we're really far apart from each other, like seriously, I wish they come and visit me in Sydney, cause I really miss them" I said, biting my bottom lip to hold back tears. He sighed and hugged me even tighter. I shook my head and let out a soft laugh, "this is stupid" I said, getting out from Calum's arms, grabbing my jacket and turning the doorknob, but stopped by Calum's hand on my hand, his other hand turned me around by the waist, he looked at me with sympathy in his eyes, "I know how you feel, I have a sister and she's with her boyfriend somewhere across the globe, and I miss her too, but in life, we have to let go, even the ones we love, not that their dead or anything, but you get what I mean" he said giving me a small laugh. I giggled and nodded my head, I looked up at him and it's like my memory kicked me in the balls (cough cough, not that she has one) "you... you're the guy.. I um.. oh my God" I stuttered, he looked at me confused, "the penny board guy, I hit you with my penny board, remember? In what's that place called? Bondi Juction?" I said again, he looked at me and laughed, "yeah, yeah, I'm that guy" he laughed "God, are we that slow?" he chuckled, I joined him. 


We sat on the couch watching Pitch Perfect, "I swear, Rebel Wilson is freaking hilarious!" I laughed while eating chips. The door swing opened, to reveal a boy aged about 11, I'll say, with his blonde brown hair and his face coevered in mud with a teenage girl standing beside him, her brown straight hair, placed perfectly on either side of her shoulder, Ashton came in after. He closed the door and smiled, "look who's cuddled up" he smirked towards us, I scramble to my feet and coughed, "hey Ashton, hi guys" I said, smiling. They smiled back, they all have dimples, "hey, uh who are you?" the boy asked, "Harry!" the teenage girl smacked him on the arm, "OW! It's a valid question you dumbo!" he shouted, "Harry!" now Ashton's the one who smacked him, "OW ASH!" he shouted, I giggled at their small smack party, Ashton walked towards me and pushed me down to the couch. I landed on Calum's lap, I bit my bottom lip and blushed. "My name's Harry, I'm Ashton's half brother" he said proudly, I raised my eyebrow and looked at Ashton,  he shook his head and laughed, "oh wow, thanks Harry" he giggled, the teenage girl smiled, "I'm Lauren, Ashton's sister" she laughed "not half". "Hi guys, I'm Margo, I'm your sort of new neighbour, I live 2 houses away from you guys" I smiled. They nodded and smiled, "well, I better go and take my shower, because I stink like poo, it's nice meeting you Margo" Harry said, "you too, Harry" I said. Lauren went up to her bedroom, Ashton sat between me and Calum, I didn't even talked to Calum through out the movie, "awe, come one guys! Talk!" Ashton whined, I looked at Calum and laughed, "what are you talking about Ashton?" I said, Calum just smiled and shakes his head. My phone rang, I didn't bother to check the caller ID, "Hello?" I said, "Hey little sis" the voice said, "Adam?" I asked in excitement, he laughed at the other line, "oh nahh, it's president Obama, ofcourse its your brother dumbhead!" he said, I stood from the couch and went to the kitchen, "oh my God hey! What's up?" I said, "nothing much, where are you?" he asked, I looked back at the living room, Calum looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. "I'm at my friends house, why?", "I sent a package, you mind checking it?" he asked, "I have to collect it from the post office, why don't you ask dad?" I asked, "oh, um, I-I probably they sent it to the house, just go check it" he said, I remove my phone from my ears and looked at it confused, "uh, okay?" I said, "there's two yea? Call me when you get the parcel" he hung up. I walked back to the living room and grabbed my house keys, "I gotta go, my brother said he sent something and I need to check it, so I'll see you guys around" I said hugging them, "oh I'm following you, I need to go as well" Calum said. I nodded and hugged Ashton. I walked out of the house, "was that your brother?" Calum asked, I looked at him and laughed, "no shit Sherlock" I said, shaking my head, "hey it's a valid question!" he said, bumping his shoulder with mine. "Do you, um, wanna come to house or something?" I asked, biting my lips, "yeah sure, but only a full 5 minutes cause my mum will go bezerk if I don't get back by 6" he said laughing. I looked up from the ground and saw two figures standing at my house's porch.


OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! What's up you gaaaaisssseee?? 

I updated yay! Yeah, do you guys ship Cargo?

Oh I saw what I did there *insert smirking emoji*

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this chapter :)

oh, who do you think is at Margo's porch? HEHEHEHEHEHEHE


-E x

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