After everyone was unpacked and a lot of dirty looks thrown to Ashley for complaining, Delilah, Natalie and I went to go find the guys. We found them outside throwing snowballs at each other.  When they saw us they smiled evilly and turned to us.

“Boys vs. girls” Dylan shouted before chucking snowballs at us. We screamed as we ran around the other side of the building to take cover and start forming balls of our own. When the boys came around we threw our balls at them with all our might.

“Ahhh, ok, ok we give” Dylan surrendered.

“Pussies” Delilah teased as she high fived Natalie and me.

“Let’s go snowboarding” Drew insisted.

“Yeah sounds like a great idea” Natalie smiled at him. He looked at her and grinned before Dylan pulled him away.

“Come on dude let’s go get your board before you melt the snow” I heard Dylan chuckle. I giggled and followed them.

“Let’s have a race. Loser has to buy everyone hot chocolate” Dylan said looking directly at me. I raised an eyebrow and walked closer to him.

“Bring it.” I said before getting on my board.

“My bet is on Lori” Eric smiled at me. I looked at him and blush a thousand shades of red.

“Us too” Delilah and Natalie cheered.

“I'm with the girls and Eric. I know Lor’s going to win” Drew smirked.

“Thanks for having my back dude” Dylan mumbled. I laughed and got myself in position.

“On your mark, get set, go” Delilah shouted. I blasted off down the hill. I did some small tricks on my way down like grabbing my board and doing nose- grabs which caused me to get some cheers from my friends. Dylan started gaining speed making him ahead of me. I gritted my teeth and gained on him. There was a bump in front of me and I didn’t know where else to go without bumping into anyone so I sucked in my breath and glided over it. I went up high in the air. Higher than I expected and did a backwards flip then landing it perfectly before skiing down the bottom beating Dylan.

“How did you do that?” Dylan asked astonished when he got to me. To be honest I'm surprised I'm still standing upward; my legs were threatening to cave as my whole body shook. I didn’t even mean to do it, but it was either that or crash, even though I could have killed myself doing that flip. But I shook it off nonchalantly and smirked at Dylan.

“Guess you’re buying hot chocolate” I laughed. Everyone came down after us with bugged out eyes.

“How the heck did you do that?” Eric asked amazed. I smiled brightly feeling pleased that I impressed him. He looked so gorgeous with his hair flowing in the wind I swear I was making a puddle of drool around me. Someone hit me on the shoulder slightly and I looked over to see Delilah raising an eyebrow intriguingly at me as to say ‘what’s up with you?’ I shook my head and shrugging my shoulders impassively answering her unspoken question.

Dylan went to get the hot chocolates and Eric, David and Drew went with him. Natalie, Delilah and I found a seat by the windows so that we could watch skiers.

“You looked so cool when you did that flip over that bump,” Natalie gushed.

“Guys I practically pissed my pants when I did the flip. I didn’t even think the bump was going to give me so much air” I told them honestly. Delilah and Natalie looked at each other before bursting out into laughter.

“Ha-ha” I laughed dryly.

“What’s so funny?” David asked Delilah handing her hot chocolate. Eric handed me mine and Drew gave Natalie hers. Delilah was about to answer but I kicked her foot under the table.

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now