" We're playing truth or dare." Matt smiled as he told Hunk.

" Phew." He exhaled. Allura and Shay followed him in, and everyone found their place on the bedroom floor. It was surprisingly comfortable.

" So who wants to go first?" Shannon asked the group.

" Anyone but Pidge." Keith said. He was honestly scared what she was planning. It was a no brainer that she would pick him or Lance when it rolled around to being her turn.

" I will." Lance cheekily grinned as he lightly rested his chin on the smaller male's shoulder. " Hmm... Allura, truth or dare?"

" Truth." The cheer captain answered with almost no hesitation.

" Do you have a thing for Keith's brother?" Lance smirked.

" Can I change my answer? I pick dare." She nervously chuckled.

" Fine." Lance responded with an evil laugh. " I dare you to tell us if you have a thing for Shiro." He wore a shit eating grin. And Keith chuckled a little while leaning back against his boyfriend more. He already knew the answer to this one.

Allura looked flustered upon hearing what Lance said, and she frantically stuttered something incoherent.

" Come on, Allura." Pidge looked at her with a tiny smile.

" I guess you could say th-that... I... find him attractive, yes." She blushed madly and looked off to the side in a huff. " Matt! Truth or dare?!" It was obvious that she needed to get off of that subject.

" Dare." He responded while fiddling with the bottoms of his jeans as he sat cross legged.

" ... I dare you to... let us do your makeup."

" Wait, really?!" Shannon excitedly asked. " I'm busting out the falsies!" She exclaimed.

" Oh no." Lance laughed. " Here we go."

" What are... falsies?" Keith raised an eyebrow. He literally had no clue how to use makeup, or what anything was called. He knew mascara and that was about it.

" Fake eyelashes." Lance told him, and Matt looked terrified.

" Is it too late to pick truth?" He uneasily murmured.

" Too late." Allura smiled wickedly.

It was about twenty minutes later when most of the makeup had been slathered on his face. There was an excessive amount of hot pink blush that had been dusted across Matt's cheeks. There was also gaudy blue eyeshadow that had been blended all across his eyelids in an ombre of sorts. A jet black shade of eyeliner had been applied in a thick stripe near his lash line, and extended out into a wing that was way longer than most people's. And to top it all off, there were very dark, and laughably long eyelashes that had been glued into Matt's, and blended in with waterproof mascara.

" Matt could stab a hoe with that wing! You see how sharp it is?!" Pidge doubled over in a fit of snorts and giggles.

Lance was snapping pictures and posting them to his Snapchat story, and everyone else was dying of laughter.

" Laugh all you want, but you know I look smolderingly sexy." Matt tried to be prideful and take this like a man. But his face felt ten pounds heavier from all the foundation.

" Don't move your lips! I have to do the lipstick!" Allura giggled. She was exaggerating the look on purpose, making Matt look like a drag queen.

" Not red!" He pleaded, seeing a very bright, cherry colored tube of lipstick being pulled from the makeup bag.

I'm Not Easy {Klance Omegaverse/ HS AU}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora