Chapter 5

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“What day is it?” I asked Tony when I finished doing my pull ups for the umpteenth time.

“October 15. Are you going to ask me every day?” Tony pestered.

“Yeah, cause you’re the only one who actually tells me.” I said elbowing him.

Tony was one of the nice coaches for us. He would tell us some news and things we asked, other than escaping. He was the newest one, but the most brutal. He got us to work out harder and faster each day.

“How’s your shoulder.” He asked checking the old scar.

“Painful still, but I think I’ll live.” I said rolling my short sleeve back to look at the noticeable scar.

“Okay, ladies! Pile in!” Tony screamed.

We lost a lot of soldiers, they tried escaping and some started riots. We are now down to about 500 here, but Tony filled us in. There are about ten other places like this spread over the UK and were all holding a minimum of a thousand. We were the short batch since we had a smaller training and living area.

“You gotta keep training! I don’t want to shoot another one of you! Got it?” he screamed.

“Yes, sir!” we screamed.

“Head out!” he bellowed.

We all turned on our heel and headed towards the cafeteria. I grabbed a bottle of water and some fruit. I looked around for Eleanor to find her seated alone at the far corner table. She was drinking her water while mixing her beef around on her plate.

“Tomorrow?” Eleanor barely murmured.

I sat down next to her and nodded. “Tomorrow. I think I can get the nail to pop the lock open. I can do it.”

“You haven’t woken up screaming in a while.” Eleanor muttered.

I hated it when she brought it up. I knew that she was going to bring it up sooner or  later. Fang was haunting my dreams still, but I think I’ve adapted to the pain he causes in it. He just repeats the whippings back when I was caught, that’s all the replays.

“Keep it quiet, Eleanor.”


“I don’t need people thinking I’m weak.”

“You’re not. You’re one of the toughest people here.”

“Sorry, that was rude of me to snap like that.”

“You’re fine.”

“Can we leave?”


We stood up after munching on our food and headed out towards the training area. I cracked my knuckles and walked over to the track.

“Time me?” I breathed.

“Go.” Eleanor said.

I pushed my feet off the ground and took off sprinting. The pain that I felt when I was first here running was gone and it was easier to run more and more each day. I could barely think of what I’m feeling anymore other than the fact that I’m going faster and faster.

I quickly finished the lap without a hard breath taken.

“30 seconds.” She said.

“You’re turn.” I said.

Eleanor took my place on the track.


Eleanor was always faster than me, she had longer legs and was able to take bigger strides. She would always beat my time, which is perfect.

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