F o r e w o r d

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S h a k e s p e a r e a n
T r a g e d y

M e a n i n g

         In no way is this written in the form of Shakespeare's Tragedy plays, I just think the saying fits well with the characters predicament, meaning that without each other they feel so empty and alone. And they feel like they'll die alone; that no one else in the world is meant for them. Although they have their issues, they're meant to be. When they're together, it's raw, scary and somewhat heartbreaking. That making it tragic because without each other they feel lost but with each other they're scared and confused. Making it all one huge tragedy.

E p i g r a p h

❞There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.❞
-Bryant H. McGill

D e d i c a t i o n

When I fell in love, I was rewarded with heartbreak that, to this day, I still can't bare.

I dedicate this to anyone who has ever had their heart broken. It is often overlooked, but it hurts like hell, and you're certainly strong if you were able to endure it successfully. You deserve to be treated with complete respect and utter love.

S y n o p s i s

Insert eighteen-year-old Juniper Riles, a quiet, shy and sensitive romantic. Once she's fallen in love, she can't ever fall out of it. Then one day, in the tenth grade, she fell hard.

She was a goner.

Then you have eighteen year old Dawson Everette. He's the stereotypical popular guy at all high schools. He's got the looks, the girls that beg for his attention, the money, the personality, and the supposed messed up concept of love.

And he did have the looks, the girls that begged for his attention, the money and the cocky and egotistical personality. But, his concept of love shouldn't have been deemed as messed up.

No, it wasn't at all. It was just all a misunderstanding, causing one big tragedy that broke hearts along the road to happiness.

D a t e s

START: Monday, April 23rd, 2018.
FINISH: Friday, October 12th, 2018.

C o p y r i g h t

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