Chapter 4

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Reader, I would like to apologize for the extremely quick flash montage of Midoriya's training, but I am afraid I am just not willing to relive the pain he suffered during the five months and twelve days he was missing. I will only tell you the parts of this story that are important. I don't do time fillers.

Anyways, I have decided that for this bit here, we should switch to the point of view of class A.

After Midoriya had gone missing, class A went frantic, all of them using their respective Quirks, personalities, and influence to try and find him. After about a week, there wasn't a person in all of Japan who was unaware of the disappearance of Deku. Everybody was hoping that he would be found. That is, until 3 months later, when he made his first appearance as the notorious Deku. He had gotten into a fight with the up and coming star Kamui Woods. He also burned down a federal building in the process.

After more similar situations and many photos of Midoriya in his costume as evidence, class A got continuously quieter. With each misdemeanor and every violation, the class of heroes began to give up hope. Soon enough, no one even dared speak his name.

Now, we are nearing the time in which Midoriya received the letter. The children of class A were sitting in their respective spots doing their respective forms of recreation. In the corner of the room, a T.V. the school had bought in order to keep track of world affairs was on. As the children spoke to each other, it blared boring news such as the weather and who was in a relationship with who. That is, until the main news channel turned on.

"Breaking news," the reporter read.

The entire class went silent.

"the notorious villain who answers by the name of Deku has just struck again. A gas station in Tatooin Station has just exploded due to a fire started by the villain himself. Luckily, there were no casualties in the explosion but this has just added arson to Deku's list of misde- "

While the class watched in completely hopeless silence, Ashido had stood up from her seat and turned the T.V. off.

They all stood in yet another silence, looking at the television relaying them news about their former friend. After a few moments of awkwardness, they all turned back to their activities. However, due to the interruption, the air was definitely more tense than the moments previous.

The class had multiple reasons to be tense. They all felt betrayed for one thing. The boy they had all considered a friend (exempting Bakugo) had left them in the dust. He was always the one who stayed determined and kept trying, no matter how stupid it seemed. Then, after all of his dreams of being a hero and all of his speeches about how we should always keep trying, he gave up. He gave up on his dreams and became a villain for no reason. They also felt like failures. They felt like in some way, they had failed Deku. They felt that maybe if they were better friends, they would have been able to see that something was bothering him and prevent him from straying to the path of villain hood.

There were a select few people who took Midoriya's leave harder than the others. People who felt even more betrayed and even more of a failure. They were the people Midoriya was close to and the people Midoriya left a lasting impact on. Uraraka, Iida, Bakugo (Although he won't admit it to this day), and Todoroki.

Todoroki wasn't a part of Midorya's closest friend group, but that day he fought him in the sports festival was a turning point for him. Thanks to Midoriya, Todoroki was able to find the path of the hero he truly wanted to be, not the one his father forced on him. Ever since then, Todoroki felt that Midoriya was someone who Todoroki could always count no to do the right thing. That was why when he found out what the name Deku began to mean, he became reserved. Even more so than usual. He didn't talk to others unless it was absolutely necessary and he spent all of his time sitting in silence and thinking.

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