Chapter 22

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Asides from the traumatic flashback, Izuku had a nice time that day. He cleaned his room, which was honestly something he never thought he would miss doing, and he also had a great conversation with Inko.

And of course, there was tea. Something you need to know about the Midoriya's is their love for tea.

If Inko ever thought someone was sad, she always forced them to drink tea, whether or not they actually wanted to drink it. It was actually a huge problem. She basically stripped away people's free will in order to get them to drink her tea.

Forced tea consumption aside, Izuku's day was actually pretty good, all things considered. Midoriya brought up how he was looking for a job (he decided he should try and find something where he could continue to be inconspicuous and lighten the financial burden on Todoroki) and Inko mentioned how most of the people in her neighborhood were somewhat old or in need of help when it came to physical tasks such as mowing lawns or painting houses and other activities. Izuku said he was more than happy to help out with any off chores people might need. Inko said she would message Izuku about any jobs that might come up.

Now, Izuku would be able to pay for his own food and clothes, that is, if everything went well.

It took a few days, but eventually, Inko was able to message Midoriya with an opportunity.

Good news! My neighbor Mr. Sato needs someone to mow his lawn since he is unable to do it himself. Do you think tomorrow will work? ❤️

Izuku was ecstatic. He needed to go out and do something, he had spent far too long sitting around. It was time for him to face the world again, even if it was only so he could mow a stranger's lawn.


Midoriya had always known that Todoroki was an amazing person. He just didn't know how amazing.

Whenever there was a conversation that started to make Izuku uncomfortable, Todoroki would change the subject. Izuku also noticed that all of the food Todoroki would cook for meals were meals that he had loved to eat in the cafeteria before he was taken. Todoroki even started sparring with Midoriya after school.

Izuku missed sparring. While he was gone, all of his training had consisted of being beaten whenever he made a mistake or didn't do exactly what the mysterious shadow man wanted. Todoroki was different.

He never got angry at Deku for making a mistake. He never called Izuku worthless. Todoroki never screamed; never hurt Midoriya. He never made Midoriya feel helpless.

Instead, Todoroki was kind. Todoroki offered constructive criticism when Midoriya struggled, and he always had something positive to say after he critiqued.

So basically, Todoroki was one of the most patient and kind people Midoriya has ever met. Of course, his mother and his best friends were in this list as well. 

Midoriya was starting to feel safe for the first time in months since his capture, and the person he has to thank for that is Todoroki. Midoriya decided that he would do his best to help the hero in any way that he could from now on.

It was then that Izuku decided that he owed Todoroki his life, wherever it lead him from now on. Midoriya made a solemn vow, from now on, when the hero was in trouble, the villain would assist him. Of course, Todoroki was not aware of this debt, if he were, he might have tried to stop it.

No wait, not might have, he totally would have.

This debt of Midoriya's, this need for service, may seem insignificant to you now, but I will just warn you, this mental vow, this swearing of a favor, will change everything in the years to come. Without this vow, the story you are reading now would have a much different ending.

And who knows? Maybe that would have been a good thing. Maybe, the ending would have been much happier. But then again, maybe these events were events that had been fixed in time.

Maybe, there was no single person in the world who could stop them.

Perhaps, Izuku Midoriya would not have become the greatest villain of all time.

No Choice |VILLAIN!DEKU|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz