“But…Andrew…” I whispered while my vision turned cleared.

“What’s so weird my beloved?” he smiled with his teeth shining and his minty smelling breath embracing my face.

“Last night…you were bleeding. You were almost dead. And today? And now you are fine? How can that happen? I can’t understand.” I shook my head from one side to another to clear my thoughts.

“You are dreaming?” he made it sound more of a statement than a question.

“Yea probably…” my breathing stopped for a second and restarted the moment after that small pause.

‘Sh*t…I am dreaming.’ I thought to myself while remembering those times I dreamt of this moment. But I knew it was just another fake dream. Andrew’s arm moved from my waist to my arms where his fingers gently touched my skin and then pinched it evilly.

“Ouch!” I cried out. “Why the hell did you do that?” I thought for a second and then it hit.

“Holly mother of freakin’ God I am not dreaming!” I screamed out making him pout from the loudness of my voice.

“It about time you figured out.” He laughed and kissed my forehead.

“But how can that happen!” I removed the bandages from his wound and stared at it fully taken by surprise.

“You guys forgot that during the battle…Ramon cast a few spells on me. Some of them where healing ones…so here I am standing on my feet holding the most beautiful and amazing girl of the whole world.” He winked.

“Wow…” was the only smart thing I could say.

“But the bad thing is that they leave white scars.” He showed me his wound. The place that last night seemed like a bloody red hole, was now a pale white circle on his body.

“I noticed that…” I caresses his head shoving aside a few tufts of hair. He looked like a tiny, helpless puppy, only this time the look on his eyes switched from the puppy’s one, to the lion’s one. He stared at me for a brief second, enough to make my heart race in a wild pace and the picture of a lion tearing up the flesh of his meal popped into my mind.

“Will you eat?” he looked away while standing on his feet. Something on him, betrayed the fact that he wanted me gone.

“No it’s okay. I’ll go home it’s fine.” I offered him a wide smile pretending not to be annoyed by his sudden switch. I jumped on my feet, grabbed my clothes from the living room and put them on as fast as I could.

Running down the stairs and on the street I mentally searched for my car and when I remembered where I parked it, my feet automatically ran towards it and my fingers hooked the door’s handle and dragged the door open. Before I launched the car tear filled my eyes threatening to burst out any minute.

There was no way I could let myself be around when he didn’t want that.

‘Sebastian. Andrew is fine, fully alive and awake. I left.’ I entered his mind and left a ‘note’ and before I went out of his head, it felt like he mentally nodded.

I parked outside my place, entered the kitchen locking the door behind me and went straight to bed.

My phone seemed so delicious at that moment that I grabbed it and dialed Ramon’s phone.

“What the f*ck do you want?” he yelled at me.

“Calm down! Andrew is at his place, last night we had a little situation with Eric but I dealt with it. Say nothing to my sister but I am planning on leaving. I needed to tell you that your bestie is fine. And you better keep my sister out of this. If she gets hurt…I warn you, I’ll become your worst nightmare.” I growled pushing my belief and power into my venomous words.

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