Chapter 15

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Ruby's POV

Oh my god. He was dead, it was official now.

I tried so hard to calm down my crying but that just made it worse. I couldn't bare to look over to his lifeless body but the image was in my head.

I heard the door open and the footsteps of another doctor enter. I looked up to see the two doctors pulling a white sheet over Brian's body, that was the last time I ever saw his face.

"Can you leave me alone with him for a few minutes please?" I asked Calum and the doctors. They all nodded and left the room, one after another.

I stepped towards the covered dead body and kneeled beside him. "Brian, I'm sorry for what happened to you and what happened to our relationship. You will always be in my heart, you have always been such a great friend even after what happened with your parents. I will miss you everyday and will never forget about our beautiful memories together. You are my best friend Brian." I whispered, trying to conceal my emotion.

I kneeled beside him for another 5 minutes before a knock sounded from the door and was slowly opened. "We'll have to take his body to the hospital mortuary now." The same doctor as before said in a serious tone.

I nodded and wiped the tears from beneath my eyes, stepping back and allowing him to push the bed out of the room. I sat down on the chairs at the side of the room and just stared into the air. I was too traumatised to cry anymore, I had just witnessed my best friends death.

My daze was interrupted by the door opening and Calum was stood in the doorway. I looked up from him back down to the floor, not being physically able to show any emotions.

He let out a sigh of pity and walked over to me and sat beside me. "It'll get better, we'll be in this together." He whispered to me.

"Do you promise?" I replied.

"I promise. I'm not leaving your side for anything." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

The door opened yet again and we were faced with a tall, broad man dressed in a police officer uniform. "Would you mind coming with me, Miss? We need to ask you some questions regarding Brian's death." He asked in a deep voice. My stomach dropped. Did they think I had done this to him?

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