Chapter 10

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Brian's POV

He just stood there, startled. Not saying a word. Was this too much to ask of him? I regret it already.

He shook his head slightly and looked up at the window in the slant of the ceiling then back to me. "Are you sure?" He asked, quietly. Was he actually considering it?

"I've been sure for a week now. The pain and anguish is too much. Every day it gets worse, I can't see myself ever being happy again. Please, I can't live like this." I pleaded.

He breathed out heavily and pushed his teeth together, his eyebrows pushed downwards with the thoughts going around his head. "Okay." He said. "I can't bare to see anyone live in this much pain."

My face brightened a little from the once scared emotion I was showing. "Thank you. Can you get me a 32 pack of Co-Codamol pills?" I asked, trying to keep my voice quiet so Ruby wouldn't hear.

"Yeah. When do you want to do it?" He replied.

"Tonight." I said in a serious tone, looking straight into his eyes.

Calum nodded. "I'll go down now, it should be open for another hour." He said as he headed out of the door. I heard his footsteps run down the wooden stairs and hit the floor at the bottom. The front door was pulled open and then shut loudly, leaving the house in silence.

Calum's POV

After a 10 minute stressful walk down to the chemist, I finally arrived, trying to stay calm. I took in a deep breath and pushed open the heavy glass door and was blasted by the cold air conditioning.

I paced towards the medical aisle and scanned the shelves for the Co-Codamol pills. There it was, on the second from top shelf. I reached my hand out and grabbed it, holding it below my face and reading the title. Paracetamol & Codeine - 32 Effervescent Tablets (Co-Codamol). This would be what ended Brian's life.

I took the box over to the checkout and handed it over the counter. The woman behind it gave me a small smile, not having a clue about what I was about to do. "Is that all?" She asked me.

"Yes, thanks." I said, trying to stay as calm as I could.

"That's £3.89 then please." She replied, another smile flashing over her face.

I handed her the money and forced a smile back at her, taking the box of tablets and walking away. I pulled open the door and exited the shop, now back home to where I'd have to assist Brian to end his life.

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