Chapter 5

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Ruby's POV

How dare he? How dare he come here after what he had done? He could've killed Brian and he still turned up here like nothing had happened.

"Ruby? What's going on?" Calum quietly asked me as he took a step closer.

I had a flashback to seeing Brian's lifeless face, laying on the hospital bed. The tears started flowing down my cheeks and I put my head back down into my hands. What if he really was dead?

I heard Calum sigh and sit down beside me on the bed. "What has happened?" He asked me, putting his hand on my knee.

"What you did nearly killed him. He has lost so much blood and seeing him lifeless on the bed has made me think the worst. He could be dead, my-" I paused, trying to think of what Brian really was to me. We had split up so long ago now. "my friend could be dead." I stuttered.

"I can tell he's not just a friend. Just tell me, I don't want any more lies." He replied with a more serious tone than before.

I let out a sigh, I had to tell him. It wasn't worth keeping everything from him anymore. "Well.. 2 years ago when, I was 15, was when I first met Brian. We dated for about 8 months before I fell pregnant with his baby. His parents forced me into having an abortion, which ruined my life. I couldn't deal with being with him or around his family anymore so I had to leave, I changed my identity and started a whole new life here. I don't expect you to still want to be with me after hearing that, just please don't lie to me if you don't." I announced, it felt better to tell him but I didn't know what he would think.

Calum didn't say a word, he just wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his chest. I closed my eyes and leaned against him until he pulled away.

He placed his hands onto my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "I can't imagine what you had to go through but now I'm here. I love you and you need to know I will always be here." He said and took me in his arms again.

We were interrupted by Brian's doctor walking pulling the door open and stepping through into the room. He gave a reassuring smile to Calum and then to me.

"I have some news about Brian. We have done an x ray on his head and have discovered he has a brain tumour. We haven't been able to tell him-" The doctor carried on talking but I couldn't focus on any words. Brian had a brain tumour. What did this mean?

I interrupted whatever he was saying. "Will he be okay?" I yelped out.

"I'm afraid not. He has an estimated 3 months to live. I'm sorry I've had to bring such devastating news to you, I'll leave you alone for a while." The doctor replied. He left the room and shut the door behind him, leaving silence behind him.

I didn't know what to do. My eyes darted around the room, my breathing got faster until I couldn't told back the tears anymore. They rolled down my cheek as I cried in desperation, pushing my face into the pillow on the bed.

My mind was a mess. I had almost blamed Calum for this when it was a brain tumour all along. I just wanted to lock myself in a dark room and be forgotten about.

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