Chapter 8

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Ruby's POV 

It had been about a month now since the day we heard the news about Brian's tumour, it still hurt me to think about it. I feel numb every time I have to think about the pain he is constantly in, hardly being able to move from his bed.

 I had made Brian a stack of pancakes covered in syrup for his breakfast along with a glass of apple juice, his favourite. I dragged myself up to stairs and pushed through the door into the room in mine and Calum's house we had let him stay in.

He was awake but lay there lifeless, not a muscle moved as I walked in through the doorway. "I've brought up your favoruite, pancakes with syrup." I whispered, holding the tray out a little towards him.

His eyes flickered and he turned his head to face me. "Thank you." He replied as I placed the tray down onto his lap. I turned away, facing the door and began to walk out before being stopped by the fragile voice coming from behind me.

"Thank you for everything. You know how much you mean to me, even if we are just friends, right?" He almost whispered, like it was a final speech.

"Of course Brian. Is there anything else you need?" I asked him.

"No, thank you. This should do me for the rest of the morning. I'm finding it hard to eat and drink now. I can't cope with this pain for much longer." He coughed, taking a drink of the apple juice.

I looked at him with pity before exiting the room. Only 2 more months I thought to myself, only 2 more months before he is free from pain - but also until he is gone forever. A lump started to build up in my throat and I could feel my eyes begin to form tears.

 I heard the front door open downstairs which broke me from the terrible thoughts swirling around my head. I paced downstairs, gripping onto the hand rail as my hand shook from the endless torturous thoughts.

I saw Calum's back head into the kitchen and I followed him in. "You alright?" I said, trying to stabilize my words.

His head turned around and his face dropped slightly, a look of concern taking over his usual cheerful face. "What's happened? You look terrible. Have you been crying?" He asked as he took a step towards me and concealed my weak body with his comforting arms.

I peered over to our kitchen mirror and caught a glimpse of myself, I really did look terrible. What had happened to me? My life had been turned upside down.

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