Chapter 2

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I woke up in a daze, I looked down and saw a puddle of my own blood on the floor.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

I raised myself from the floor and managed to stand up. My head was spinning a little but I soon adjusted.

I looked into the window of the house that Aqua was inside and that's when I realised the red blood streaming down my neck. I felt the back of my head with my hand and could feel a deep cut. I was constantly loosing blood and needed help urgently. My only hope was knocking on the door.

I took a deep breath and knocked three times and waited for a few seconds, praying the Asian boy wouldn't open the door.

I saw a figure come towards me through the translucent glass. The door was pulled open and behind it was standing a tall white boy with a blonde quiff.

"Help me please. I'm loosing blood. Look!" I told him and showed the back of my head.

"Oh shit, quickly come inside and I'll call an ambulance." He said opening the door a little wider so I could walk through.

He directed me to the front room and told me to lie down on the couch. Luckily there was no one else to be seen, including the Asian boy.

An average looking white boy with brown curly hair walked past the door and looked in, a confused look on his face. He carried on walking past and asked blonde quiff guy who I was once he had finished on the phone.

Blonde quiff guy explained then walked in with the average white boy. "The ambulance is on it's way now, do you need me to call anyone else? Family? Friends?" He asked me.

"I need Aqua. She's here." I said, they both looked puzzled. "Aquanetta. She's going by the name Ruby or something I think, please get her."

"Oh.. Ruby? Um okay" The average white boy said and headed up the stairs.

Ashton's POV

"Ruby?" I called as I reached the top of the stairs.

"In here." I heard her voice come from Calum's bedroom.

I pushed open the door and saw them sat together, seeming to be in a deep conversation.

"Some guy is downstairs, he's cut his head and is asking for you. Calling you Aqua?" I told her, not really sure how to explain the man downstairs.

"Are you fucking serious?" Calum said, I could see the anger bubbling up inside him.

Calum stood up but Ruby grabbed his hand and stopped him from racing out of the room and downstairs.

"Just wait, I'll go and see what he wants first and call you down if I need you okay?" Ruby explained to Calum, which he seemed to be okay with.

She followed me down the stairs and we walked into the room, to see the dark haired man still laying down on the couch.

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