Nyo! Canada x Reader- Purple Saxifrage

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"Excuse my potty mouth," Amelia* shouted, "BUT EVERYONE, SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

The meeting room went wild- as if it wasn't crazy enough before. It had been another world meeting, and this time, it had been productive, until someone had to bring up World War, and now, it was complete chaos.

And yet the country representative of Greece slept through it all, which Y/n envied since all she wanted was to escape the room- even if she had to be there physically.

The arguments have gotten so bad that Alice* started to curse people with her wand- which was mostly Francesca*.

"You damn frog!"

In the midst of all the fighting/terrified or one sleeping country- Madeline or Canada, was the solitude of the crazy.

She was the peaceful and sweet honey in between all of the loud, buzzing bees.

"Y/n, you're not doing well, eh?" She asked softly.

With her head down on the desk, she groaned in pain. "I hate this meeting."

Nodding, the blonde just continued to pet her hair, internally amused by the other's stupidity.

"You can't curse people you asshat! You're barely old enough to be qualified as a true country representative! I mean, the only trait you show brightly is your stupidity!" Alice yelled at Amelia.

Francesca put her hands on her hips. "Oui, and what's up with your problem with not paying your debts to me? You owe us millions!"

At this point, more countries joined in, and it got louder.

This is what happened when Monika* left the meeting for barely ten minutes to grab an emergency paper from another company.

Y/n turned to Madeline and smiled weakly. "Man, I hope that Monika gets back soon."

The Canadian gave her a small smile. "Don't worry, Y/n. The meeting's about to be adjourned, and you can take a break now if you want to."

The (Nationality) girl yelled back over the noise. "You want to hang out after this meeting? I know a great place to eat here!"

Madeline's mind raced, No way! She noticed me all those years ago, talked to me, and is now even inviting me to date? Oh- don't get ahead, Madeline! She just wants to be friends!


"Great! How many minutes left?"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Monika's stern voice hollered.

The room immediately goes silent.

"Amelia owes me millions!" Francesca yelled, flexing her arm out to point at the blonde American.

"This meeting was not to discuss debts," Monika pinched the bridge of her nose. "We are here to talk about tornadoes, hurricanes, and any natural disasters, and how we can prevent them!" She yelled, "But now, it seems that you idiots are the reason we have these happening! You just seem to be a natural disaster yourself!"

Everyone laughed at the unintentional pun. Even Monika chuckled, at the realization of her joke.

"Ok, ok. The meeting's almost over anyway, but tomorrow, we'll come back and actually hold a meeting. Schönen Tag noch*, everyone."

The countries got up, pushed their chairs in, and left.

As the Canadian and the (Nationality), walk out the door, Madeline softly tightened her grip on her polar bear. "S-So where are we going?"

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