Nyo! Iceland x Reader- Black Licorice

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Cold. It was so cold that I felt as if my fingers and tits would fall off from frostbite. My teeth chattered as I made my way to the Nordic's home, in a blizzard. If you can tell, I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box...

I was still trudging through the snow when something tackled me. "HEY, Y/N! What's up my dude?"

I let out a scream. I look behind to see who the hell had tackled me, and it was the dorky Danish girl. "Oh hey, Margarette*. I'm doing good."

"I heard that you were gonna visit our house, and Emily got really worried about you," She waved her gloved hand. "Because you know, the blizzard."

My ass was going to crystallize any moment now, but Margarette didn't need to know that. "I'm fine. But may I ask why are you out here?"

Margarette grinned. "I had to grab some frosting and sprinkles for the cupcakes." She held up her tote bag, shaking it gently. "Also to get you to our house safely. Emily would've done it, but she was too embarrassed."

Feeling heat rise to my numb face all of a sudden, I turned away, facing the direction of their home. "Let's go then."

As we walked to the house, I kept thinking about Emily. When her sister, Lovise*,  had invited me to come over to their house to try some of Tina's* baked cupcakes, I decided it'd be the perfect time to ask her out.

Also, the cupcakes were a plus, like, why would I give up such a good opportunity, especially when I knew how much of a great baker Tina was?

"Hey Margarette, I think I want to ask out someone... but not sure if I should..."

Her eye flickered to me. "It's Emily, isn't it?" There was a teasing tone to her voice.

Letting out a sigh, I know I couldn't hide or deny it. "Yes."

"Well then," Margarette's grin came back. "I'll be the wing woman."

"Ok then, tell me then. I mean," I pulled out a bag from my (f/c) coat.  "I know she likes black licorice-"

"I GOT IT!" The girl's arms flew out, scaring the shit out of me.

She told me all about her plan, and the more I listened to it, the more invested I became. By the time we reached the door, I felt my face was going to fall off. Not from frostbite, but from smiling too much.

Knocking on the gorgeous mahogany door, a few seconds later, Emily opened it.

Her purple eyes averted as soon as she met mine. "H-hej Y/n..."

"Hello!" I exclaimed. If I was going to get her out of her shell, I'd have to be a little more active and friendly so she didn't feel threatened. (Margarette joked that I T-pose and assert my dominance, although now in hindsight, maybe she wasn't joking)

Margarette grinned. "Yo Emi! Are the cupcakes still baking?"

Emily just stared at Margarette with a bored expression. "Tina's still working on them-"

Without another word, the Dane pushed her way in, calling to Emily, "I'll help them since I have the frosting and sprinkles. You and Y/n go to your room to chat until then. After all, you two are really, really good friends!"

With that, Emily's face bloomed red. "S-shut up you Dane!"

She just laughed in return.

I stepped inside. "It's ok Emily, let's just head upstairs."


As we walked upstairs their gorgeous spiral staircase, I admired their home and my crush. Her shiny silver hair seemed to flow like a goddess's... No, like a magical Faerie-

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