"Yes," My father stepped forward. "I apologize-" I blocked the rest out. I was fuming on the inside. There were too many obstacles. Too many for me to stand and I was barely keeping it together. The only thing that was keeping me sane was the scent of peaches in vanilla. A scent that I was having trouble possessing. I whimpered and my mother gazed into my eyes worriedly.

"Baby," She kissed my forehead, brushing my hair aside.

"Please. I need to hold the bundle" I pointed at the pink bundle that was still suckling down the contents that the man was feeding it. My hand clench into a tiny fist in the fabric of my mothers dress. And then un-clench.

I looked over desperately at my parents feeling panicked. I wiggled out my mother's arms and landed gracefully on my feet. My fathers grabbed my hand, tightly and begin pulling me off. I glanced longingly at the bundle in the man's arms. My mother didn't miss it, curiosity flickered across her face.

"Wait!" She told my father, walking over to Neon. She asked if she could burrow the baby reassuring the woman that the child was going to be fine. She just wanted to let me hold her.

I watch my mother take the pink bundle in her arms and I felt relived that she had gotten it out of the man's hands. She walked over to me slowly, smiling at the pink bundle. She knelt between me and my father.

"I'm going to let you hold her Zyker. But you must be very careful. She's a new born, not even a week old." I nodded eagerly. Holding my arms out. I was unaware of the attention that our small group had gathered. We had unwanted viewers gazing curiously at us. I did my best to block the child in my mothers arms from view.

I was so focused on her, the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid my eyes on. She was placed in my arms and I cradled her close to me. She radiated warmth. The baby's eyes were open and she stared right into mine. Her's were grey, a beautiful heather gray that already held a odd like intelligence. As if she knew who I was. I smiled.

I couldn't help myself. I leaned forward sniffing at her. I sighed when her scent filled my nose. I ran my fingers over the little bit of hair she possessed. It was feather soft, and an electric brown color. I'd found that unique scent at last.

"What does this mean?" I heard my father whisper.

"Isn't it obvious," My mother whispered.

My father sounded shocked. "No. This is...no. He couldn't have found his mat-" My mother shushed him.

I held out my hand and she wrapped her fingers around mine. I smiled so brightly. This was better than any birthday gift. Any present. This- this was amazing. I don't know how long I sat there holding her. Her fingers remained wrapped around mine, she was asleep though. I sat next to her mother in a chair. The party had gone silent. Once I realized that the baby was tired I ordered that the music be tuned down and that everyone retire to their seats for dinner. I wanted them gone, but my parents had refused. 'The people will see their future King shift tonight Zyker. You will not deny them that.' My mother had scolded.

Someone cleared their throat and I lifted my head up, meeting my father's level stare. His eyes were dark purple orbs that usually held laughter in them. Not right now though, now they were weary of me, and revealed a curtain of disappointment, "Son you need to give the child back to her mother. It's time for you to shif-"

"No!" I glared at him. "She's mine" He didn't like this child. Why? She was the only child I liked. The only child that I'd go near. He should be thanking her, instead he glared at the beautiful creature in my arms. He looked at her as if he wanted her to disappear.

He closed his eyes taking a deep breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose. It was clear that he was trying to keep his wolf at bay. I had challenged them both too many times, even if I was their pup if they felt threatened, they'd defend their territory."It's not safe for you to be around her right now. If you shift with her in your arms you could hurt her and you don't want that do you?" He said darkly.

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