Ch.26~ Desperate Housewives

Start from the beginning

"What are you girls laughing at?" Lindsay asked, turning to us.

"We are thinking back to when the boys joked on stage," I lied. "Is that a problem?"

"No, but you getting injured would be," she threatned, pulling out her knife.

I shut my mouth, knowing that this girl was just crazy enough to stab somebody, but I hid my fear.

"No, but we really were just laughing some moments," I assured, keeping the lie going.

"Yea, your brothers are not bad," she admitted before turning back to the television.

Bryana and I looked at each other, sharing a look. That was close and that is the biggest threat we have had so far. A hard pound on the door caused me to jump and make a noise. Lindsay put a finger to her lips and pointing to the knife. The two of us stayed quiet. Lindsay quickly walked over to us and put some duct tape on our mouths and taped our hands together. Suddenly this situation went from one I could kind of joke about to one that really began to feel like my life could be threatned.

"Police open up," a firm voice came from the other side.

My eyes grew wide as Bryana grabbed my arm to get my attention. This was the moment that could save us.

"Hello officers, I apologize I had to put a shirt on. How can I help you?" Lindsay said, opening the door.

Kayla stepped out of the bathroom and looked at us noticing the duct tape and looked over at the door, eyes growing. Either not wanting to be seen in the sliver of the door opening because she was in a towel or because she thought he would notice her, she quickly went back to the bathroom.

"We are looking for these girls, have you seen them?" he asked.

"Oh my gosh, no. I saw you looking for them yesterday and had hoped you would find them by now," she said, putting on her best pity voice.

"Okay, if you see them let us know, ma'am," he said.

She nodded, before closing the door and smirking at us. I rolled my eyes, not able to say anything with the duct tape on my mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to say something?" she mocked,.

"Are they gone?" Kayla asked, poking her head out.

"Yes, stupid," Lindsay sighed. "It is good they did not see you, they were supiscious enough with me I think."

Kayla sighed in relief, walking out of the bathroom. Lindsay walked over to us and gently took off the tape, solely so we would not scream. I laid back on the bed as Bryana stayed sitting up. Kayla and Lindsay began whispering to each other. Bryana and I made eye contact, we were now in trouble with people who clearly weren't as stupid as they first seemed.

I knew I should stay awake to figure things out but boredom took over and next thing I knew I was being shaken awake with a hand over my mouth.

"Sh, you're ok," Bryana barely whispered as she removed her hand.

"What?" I asked, keeping my voice just as quiet.

"They're both asleep. We need to take our chance," she said, urgently.

I bolted up and nodded. We took off our shoes, hoping barefoot would be better. Once we got to the door, I quietly turned the lock and we ran.

"Kayla they're gone!" we heard once we reached the stairs.

Sharing a scared look we threw open the stair doors and ran towards the first floor with the lobby.

"Y'all can't get away that easily," Kayla said, leading Lindsay about two stair cases behind.

"HELP!" Bryana and I yelled, busting in the first floor not far from the lobby.

Everything seemed deserted and I was losing hope until I saw the most amazing person in this whole situation. The front desk clerk looked at me alarmed, while it was no cop this person had to know the cops were searching for missing girls. The stair door down the hall flew open with Lindsay and Kayla running out but trying to look casusal.

"Help," I cried to clerk. "We're the two girls the cops are looking for."

"Aww, Hannah and Katie y'all know you need to stay with us. The doctor put some strong meds in y'all," Lindsay said, trying to sound soothing.

"Please help," I pleaded.

"Is there a problem here," a voice boomed behind us.

Tears welled in my eyes as I turned and saw a cop right behind us. His eyes widened taking in Bryana and I's appearances and began speaking codes into his walkie talkie. His partner was right behind him, gathering Kayla and Lindsay up with handcuffs.

"Perimedics are on their way, are you girls ok?" the cop asked, leading us to the couch.

We nodded.

"My name is Chris. Bailey, my partner, is bringing y'alls friends and loved ones," he explained.

"Liz!" Nine voices exclaimed.

"Bry!" a voice exclaimed at the same time.

Bryana and I ran to our friends and hugged them.

"Are you guys ok?" Bryana's friend asked.

"I think so," I said, nodding.

Austin gave me a kiss, before grabbing my hand. I introduced everybody and Bryana introduced us to her friend, Alyssa. We hung out as the parmedics rolled up and checked Bryana and I over.

"Are you ready for our room?" Niall asks, looking at me.

"Yea," I nod, but stop. "Hey Bryana, you're amazing thank you. I feel like we bonded in the last 24 wild hours, and this sounds crazy but any chance of a number exchange?"

She smiled and agreed before we parted ways.

Y'all this is it. The story's over- except I will be posting an epilogue. I'm working at a summer camp so writing is limited but I'm trying. Anyways comment and vote!

Atay Strong,

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