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Hayabusa felt like something got stripped from his memory buт he doesn't know what it was.

Kagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura who
Kagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura who
????Kagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura whoKagura who

She wants to break free to the dark chains around her.

Red smiled. Kagura tried to take back the control. Oh how pitiful it was. Kagura was too weak to do it so she had no worries. Red glanced at Zhask, who was complaining at how two bodies disappeared in the cage he made himself.

"Zhask if you won't shut up, i'll cut your body in half."

He did as he was told and stood straightly. She sighed and grabbed her red umbrella beside her. "Prepare your portal Zhask. We'll go to the elf kingdom. We need to get that girl."

Red snapped her fingers and her army of disgusting creatures were summoned. Alice was there, smiling viciously with her new white hair that she fabricated and even longer horns.

"I can't wait to go there, my queen~" Alice said with her beautiful voice that would make tremble any person—as what Red describes as. Red was fascinated by Alice. She likes her so much.

Zhask let the portal appear and it was a big one. He let a small chuckle out, proud of his portal creation magic. Red just rolled her eyes and went in.

When she did, her eyes widened. She was in a lone, clear field with a brown—hair young man practicing with only sleeveless and pants on him. His sword was black with a streak of red. His outer clothes were hanging on a lonely tree. That's when Red realized. She was taken to the man named 'Hayabusa'.

She needed to get out of here.

This pathetic encounter cannot just ruin her work. No. It can't. IT CANNOT NO MATTER WHAT.

But it was too late for the 'Hayabusa' shadowed his way to her. His eyes widened—without his mask that covers half of his lower face—and his mouth was still. He now knows why he felt like he forgot something important these past few days. This person. She was his childhood friend.


With that, the real Kagura managed to speak. "Haya!" She hugged him with all her art because she thought she wouldn't see him again. "I missed you so much."

He hugged her back and smiled genuinely. "I miss you too, where have you been though?"

Red broke the hug—taking the control back—and silently stepped backwards. She showed a smile that he definitely didn't like. "Just somewhere." He felt chills. This wasn't Kagura talking. It was another woman's voice. He readied his stance.

"Who are you?"

"A topnotch villain mage that is going to destroy this unfaithful world—NO." Red covered her mouth. This 'Kagura' was getting annoying. "Sorry Haya but i have business to do with the elves."

She snapped her finger, disappearing with the sakura petals.

Haya realized the situation that Kagura was in.

She was possessed by a demon.

The Beginning (MLBB Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant