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Odette and Lancelot were walking in a random park, holding their hands together.


Did i say that wrong?

They were running from creatures that was unknown to them. It was so gory to look at them. Its fangs were the most disgusting thing that Lancelot has seen. Odette too.

"Dammit!" He cussed because he left his sword in the broken mansion. His bitter face showed and he remembered something. "Odette!"

"Y-Yes!" She squealed. Her legs were getting tired at this point.

"Mind if you summon the sword?" He said. The sword that he gave to her when it was her birthday. It was a normal one to be honest, just old plain stainless steel sword. His sword would be better but he frickin' left it.

"Yes!" Odette said and her breaths were running out from all the running, they both were far from the mansion. She put out her hand midair as it started to form a material. His eyes did not expect it. It was his sword. So wait. Where did she put the normal sword?? Okay now is not the time to ask that.

He immediately grabbed it and triple sliced the sickening beasts. Odette stopped running and it was a nauseating scene to see but it had to happen anyway. The unpalatable animals growled but then turned to a stomach-turning laugh. Odette did not very much like that laugh. It was so full of evil.

"You h-umans are doomed. We abyss creatures will destroy you all." The monster said.

"Το βασίλειο των Elven είναι αυτό που πρόκειται να επιτεθούμε.."

"Εσείς οι άνθρωποι δεν έχουν καμία πιθανότητα." All of the monsters then dissipated into dusts.

Lancelot was worried for humanity. Sure he can kill a few of those but them multiplied? He would stand no chance...

Maybe he can actually.

Nevermind that. It was horrible to see them anyways.

"Lance.. What are we going to do now? Everyone in the mansion got.. Eaten except us." Her voice quivered. She witnessed her mom and dad being a dinner to those vile animals.

His mind thought about it. He understood what the monsters said. They were going to attack the Elven kingdom and saying that we stand no chance to them. They only said that..

"Odette.. How about a small adventure?"

Her head tilted. "Small adventure??"

"A small adventure where we save humans and non-humans." He said and put his hand on his gorgeous hip. Odette couldn't deny to him. But him saying a small adventure? He must be joking. She knows how big the adventure is.

She chuckled. "Count me in, hon."

They both smiled to each other, walking away slowly.

"Now what did those monsters say? I didn't even understand a little bit of it." She said with a sad face. Lance poked her lips then to his left cheek. She blushed and pecked his cheek. He was satisfied with that.

"They said that they'll attack the elven kingdom. Probably for more power since abyss creatures are known for their greed." He said casually.

He's glad to have a scabbard. It was hanging on his belt for the whole time. He put the sword there and looked at Odette. Only to see a scared face.

"Elven kingdom?! We need to go there!" She said to him with a high voice. Lancelot was surprised.

"But why?" He asked to her as they both stopped walking. "Is it our problem if they get destroyed?"

Odette lightly punched his shoulder and he moved slighty, not expecting it from her. "The Elf king is the reason why i'm here you know?"

"Oh? Did something happen to you when i wasn't here yet?" He curiously asked her.

She smiled sadly. "I was supposed to be dead when i was a baby. Apparently a human doctor said that it was a stillbirth, where a baby dies before it is being born. My mom said that the Elf King did his best to make me alive and he did. She owes alot to him."

He did a 'hm' to her. "But if you were dead, as a baby, and he revived you, doesn't that mean that he did something in return for that certain spell?"

Her mind was confused. "Huh, what do you mean by that?" He sighed at how Odette didn't get it.

"What i meant was that a resurrection spell would need something in return in order for it to work like sacrificing your arm or leg." He said to her and she widened her eyes.

"Now that you said about it.. My mom said that he made a joke about losing his sanity."

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