[MxZY] Battlefield Realm (0.1)

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Miya impataintly waited for Yun, her friend, for how many long minutes. She tapped her foot and crossed her arms with an angry face.

Finally, Yun showed up and Miya punched his shoulder but not too hard because of his armor.

"What the heCk?" Miya yelled.

"WhoA! CHILL THERE." Yun said and a laugh followed that sounded so graceful, Miya stopped.

"Ugh. Don't you know how long you took? Look at how scrunched up our teammates' faces are." Miya said as she turned to the other teammates.

Yun moved slightly to see his comrades' faces angry. He dropped a sweat and looked at Miya, asking for help. Miya turned away because it was obvious its his fault in the first place.

The timer started and his comrades were preparing.

His teammates were--





He stood there shocked, his sister was here. He carefully approached Freya and tapped on her shoulder.

Freya turned and tilted her head.

"What do you want bro?" Freya said.

"What do you mean by that?! Why are you even here?" Yun whisper yelled. "Shouldn't you be with Tigreal?"

"He was called for a mission and I was alone in the house." Freya pouted.

Yun just sighed.

"Anyway, I'll go back to Miya and say sorry." Yun scratched his head and left Freya. Freya smiled.

'How cute'


"Alright, Yun. You better not fail the Top lane with Cyclops." Miya said and decided to go to the middle lane because it is common to make the marksman go mid lane.

Yun just awkwardly smiled at Cyclops while Cyclops just waved at Yun.

Miya scoffed at Yun and went away to where she was going to be.

"Come lil' guy." Yun said and went to the top lane with the adorable Cyclops following behind him.


"HEck" Yun yelled as he surprisingly got away from the enemy. Cyclops saved his ass.

"Go to the base dude." Cyclops said and looked enthusiastic to guard the top lane's tower.

Yun nodded at him and chanted the spell to 'Recall' to the base. Blue light swarmed over Yun and disappeared, leaving the 'Exorcist' Cyclops on the top lane alone.

When Yun arrived, he checked the map by summoning it. He looked at Mid lane to see Miya with almost low hp fighting Roger, who had really low hp. Then he looked at bottom lane, to see one hero disappear going somewhere else.

"Strange, why did that hero disappear from their pers..pec..tive...lane." Yun slowly said at the end because he realized Miya was going to get ambushed.

"Oh its ON!" Yun smirked and ult-ed in order to get there fast. "HEROES NEVER FADE!".

Yun ran like sonic and saw Miya in the distance. He saw a hero emerging from the bushes and saw a saber.

Yun used his 2nd skill instantly and flipped Saber to the tower's range.

An Ally has slain an Enemy!

Yun heard that sentence and gladly sighed and worriedly looked at Miya.

"Uh you should go to the base." Yun said.

Miya nodded and chanted the spell 'Recall'. After chanting, she was covered in blue light and went to the base. But before she disappeared, Yun heard that she said 'thank you'.

Those two words. That made him feel butterflies in his stomach. He was feeling quite weird. Does he like her?

No, he can't be. She was too perfect for him. He didn't want to ruin Miya's life by being in it.

Yun shook his thoughts off and continued to the battle that was going on.


"wOO!" Freya shouted as the battle ended, them being the victor. "GREAT FI GHT!!"

They then teleported to their land.

Yun found Miya going to her place.

"Hey, wait!" Yun yelled at a distance as he ran to her.

Miya turned around and waited for him to get close to her where they can talk properly.

Yun finally arrived to Miya and panted.

"What do you want?" Miya asked with a tilt of her head.

"Do you have any plans today?" Yun asked and stood up properly.

"Well.. I do." Miya said plainly.

"Grea- Wait, you do?" Yun said.

"I just found out that the elf king, who is King Estes, decided to go on the battlefield. He's going to arrive soon and I'm excited!" Miya said with a happy tone.

Yun smiled at her.

"That's great! Hope you two will meet." Yun said as he left to go to his own place. He bowed before going home.

But the truth is that behind his smile earlier, he felt somewhat... Like angry. He didn't like this 'Estes'. He wanted Miya to not be owned by anyone.

Then again, he asked himself why he was feeling like this.

He suddenly bumped onto a person, which made him stumble back a bit but he then regained his position.

"I- um, I'm truly sorry sir." The 'person' said.

"Don't worry, i wasn't looking where in was going. I'm the one who should...be sorry?" Yun said as his tone turned into a questionable one.

In front of him was a person who had hair as white as snow, pointy ears and he was carrying a book with a crescent moon mark on it.

He then accidentally out loud.

"King Estes?"


Ahahahahaha, I hope you guys will kill me.

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