[AxZY] Is it practice? (1)

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Yun Zhao, the son of a dragon, was practicing with his friend Alucard. They have been friends for a very long time but the weird thing is that they have this feeling in their heart that they couldn't descrive. They both had this feeling whenever they were too close and Yun was starting to get curious.

One day, he went up to his mom that was still alive and kicking. He asked why he felt like that and she only laughed.

"That means you're gay, Yun." she said to her with a smile.

"Gay? What's that?"

"Meaning you are homosexual."

"What's homosexual?"

"Meaning you are sexually attracted to people of your own gender."

Yun started to blush. He couldn't believe that he was in love with Alucard! I mean, they are friends but he never expected to fall for him.

"Yun Zhao my dear it is up to you of who you want to be with. Love is love." She said as she continued making tea. Yun Zhao bravely stood up and decided to confess his love for Alucard. He went to the spot in the forest where they would always meet up everyday. Yun Zhao breathed in and out and there he was.

His gorgeous face and silky hair. His beautiful body and his extravagant arm. Everything about him was so perfect. He couldn't think of anything else.

"So, we gonna do a 1v1?" Alucard said and started to warm up. Yun Zhao shook his head. "Then what?"

"I'll tell you something and i hope you won't.. Well.. Reject me?" Yun said, almost stuttering.

"Uh.. Okay?"

This... This was the moment where he'll confess. His heart beated kazillion times. Deep crimson showered Yun Zhao's face.


"I love you!"

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