Satangelique: I

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Jungkook entered the classroom carrying a large easel and his tools for the figure drawing session which was organized by the Fine Arts College Student Council. It was once in a lifetime experience for Jungkook as it was really hard to enter such workshops, legally, if he might add. He was offered to apply for the workshop since he was one of the top students in his year, plus one  of his professors 'forced' him to go, saying he might be able to 'find the heart in his art'.

Yeah. Whatever that meant.

The room was arranged to accommodate the artists and their big art paraphernalia. They were positioned in a U-shape facing the front of the room where an elevated wooden plank was laid. There was also lone spotlight on the far corner of the plank that threw shadows on the other side of the room. Other than that the front part of the room was bare.

Jungkook chose a spot at the 5 o' clock position when facing the model. He took out his materials from his case and and placed it near his feet for a while, his sketchpad leaning on the easel he brought.

There were about 20 other students inside the room. Some decided to sit down while others stood up. The session will take about 3 hours to finish and Jungkook has made sure to eat a heavy meal before coming.

He did not know anyone else from the group so he sat there contemplating on the guidelines for the figure drawing class. Once more he was reminded of the fact that in a few minutes he's going to look at a naked body and try to draw it. Of course Jungkook wad well aware of this, however, he was more afraid of the reaction his body will have. He didn't want to sound like a pathetic man who would excuse his wrongdoings to animal instincts.

It is all about control.

And Jungkook had a lot of that, in fact he wanted everything in his life in control, that others asked him to let loose sometimes - especially his professors. Which brings him to figure drawing where he'll be given a few minutes to draw a person relying more on his instincts, capturing a person's energy in a minute, at a glance.

"Jungkook, it's when you you're given a short amount of time that's when you start to see what matters most." His professors kept reminding him.

Jungkook eased himself again, breathing from his nose and exhaling slowly on his mouth. He got his pad and placed it on his easel. The room was quiet already, everyone was focusing in their own worlds, already itching to lift a pencil.

The professor who will oversee the session entered the room, as well  student council president to give her opening remarks before they formally start.

"It was a pleasure to organize this event that was requested by both professors and students. Although it's still lacking because it's our first time doing it, it is decided that we will continue with this project." She smiled to the class, "I hope to see you again on our next figure drawing class."

The student council president then turned to her side and pointed to the professor who is sitting at the far corner of the room. "Ms. Kang will oversee your works today, she's teaching some subjects to the 3rd and 5th years so I'm not sure if you've meet her already. She'll roam around the room during class and give advice, but mostly she'll be commenting on your work."

Ms. Kang was a lean woman in her late 30s, she had long hair that goes up to her waist. She doesn't look her age and she would also usually wear clothing that are youthful and colorful. She's probably the only professor who could also get away with dyeing her hair orange.

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