Civil What?!/Dad!Tony Stark

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You were only 4 years old.

But you knew a Civil War when you saw one.

(You don't know about them being heros.)

Steve and Tony gave death glares at each other.

A new kid named Peter was always over. And sometimes talked to your father a lot.

"Daddy. Where's uncle Steve?" You asked.

Tony tensed and looked down at you.

He knelt down towards your level.

"Uncle Steve and Daddy got into an argument." He said.

You nodded and furrowed your brows together.

"Why?" You asked. Tony sighed.

How was he going to tell you this without telling you that Steve was Captain America.

"Well Steve and Daddy had a disagreement." He said.

You nodded and walked towards your room.

Tony looked at Rhodes.

"Is she going have to pick a side?" He asked.

"I don't want her involved in this." Tony stated.

Rhodey nodded but gave Tony a look.

"She's going to have to." He said as he walked away.

Tony looked down.

"I know,"


"Y/N." Tony called. 

You ran downstairs and looked at your father.

You saw Steve and the others.

"Uncle Steve." You yelled and hugged his leg.

"I missed you." You said. Steve chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"I missed you too sweet pea." He said and kissed your head.

"So Y/N." Tony said and you sat on the floor.

The Avengers surrounded you.

"Who's your favorite superhero?" Tony asked.

You thought for a moment.

"I like Hawkeye." You said smiling.

Clint gave you a sweet smile.

"Ok." Tony said trying to think of another question.

"Besides Hawkeye."

"Hulk." You said. Bruce blushed and smiled at you. 

Tony huffed.

Bucky knelt to your level.

"Ok Y/N. If the Winter Soldier  and Iron Man were to get in a fight, who would win?" Bucky asked.

You smiled up at him.

"The Winter Soldier has a metal arm which is so cool. But Iron Man has that really cool suit." You said.

"That's hard." You said.

Steve sighed.

"How about Captain America and Iron Man?" Wanda asked.

You beamed and smiled.

"That's easy." You said.

Tony looked at you smiling.

"Captain America. Because he's the nicest and also he's more strong." You said.

Tony's smile turned into a frown.

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