I soft gasp left me as I saw the possessor of the voice. The man who I once tremendously loved. The man who I hadn't seen for over two years, stood in fronts of me with an infuriated expression that stood out from the crowd.


I stayed rooted in my place as my eyes refused to twitch and my mind declined to acknowledge his presence.

He took a step forwards. "That's enough Jessie! Get away from her." he said. Jessie frowned.

"But baby, I was just telling her that you came back!" she whined as she hopped off my table and took a step towards his direction.

"DO NOT come near me. Get out of the class." He yelled once again. Jessie's face resembled Dorothy's shoes now. She scampered out of the door with a displeased expression as her minions mimicked her actions.

Blake face softened when he met my eyes. I scoffed.

"Iri..." he trailed off as he took a small step towards me but stopped when I put my palm out to his face indicating him to stop.

"What do you want, Blake?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest and dared to look at his pleading eyes.

He sighed. "You" he said as he meets my eyes back. "I want you, Blaire." he pleaded with his eyes.

I frowned. "Why now?" I asked as my voice wavered. He shook his head.

"I always loved you, Blaire. And I always will. Yes. I did start with a dare. But I did eventually fell for you. I just couldn't admit it to myself. But I finally did! How can I not love those beautiful grey orbs of yours? That always was the window to your expression. How can I not like your optimistic thoughts even when life was shit in your house? How can I not love the person who loved me with all their heart?" he said softly and looked down. He closed his eyes and looked up at me with teary eyes and bit his lip.

I scoffed

"I realized that I can't live without you Blaire! I realized that I truly love you. I know, I had done something in the past-"

"Done something?" I interrupted him, now with full rage that dripped out of my voice. "Done something? My ass! You broke my heart, You bastard! You ruined my life! You made me immune to any feelings after you left. You broke my trust on you, you sick man-whore. After all, I faced in my house, I came back to you whatsoever. I would want your comforting arms around me when I felt grief. I would want to share my happiness with you when I was on cloud nine. I even wanted to spend time with YOU when I came to know that I would never see my sister again! And YOU! Is that what you do to me? Fuck another whore behind my back just because I felt the need to save my innocence to the man I wed?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as my eyes started to well up. I turned my head to the side.

"Thanks to you, I will never know how love will ever feel." I scoffed and looked back at him with pure hatred. "But I sure do know, it won't be like what I felt for you!" 

 He flinched

"Please, Iri..." he pleaded with his eyes for the millionth time today.

I scoffed for the millionth time today. Iri... That's what he called me when we were in 'love'.

I always adored the name. It was different and unique like it was especially for me. My face used to light up when I heard him calling that name. But now, I flinch just thinking about it.

I shook my head and walked past him to the girl bathroom.

I slid down the wall and held back my tears from falling as I thought about what just happened.

I never in my right mind thought that I will ever see him again after what happened. And to what he said today. Does he actually love me? Even if he did, there is no way I would ever welcome him with open arms. But I don't think I would ever forget him. He just ripped a part of my heart and claimed it as his possession. I would never get it back.

I shook my head as the traitorous tears fell down my checks.

I inhaled sharply as I tried to muffle my cries.

"Blaire?" came a soft voice out from the door.

"Go away" I managed to croak out.

I heard few shuffles of movement before the door banged open. My eyes widen as I saw Zayn with a concerned expression looking at me.

I turned my head away.

"Go away, Zayn. I can't do this right now" I said. He shook his head and came near me.

When my emotions overwhelmed again, he just shushed me and hugged me tightly.

I hiccupped and buried my face in his chest as he just stayed there holding me tight without uttering a word and not caring that his shirt was probably going to be ruined by the end of this.

I never could ever really repay him for that. 


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