You cant go backwards...

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After school, Tae got ready for his long loves anniversary of his whereabouts.

The sun was blazing down on the garden. Almost like it was a never ending summer.

The garden was filled with lots of flowers from close family members and close friends. With gift baskets and teddy bears and photos of him showing as much love as possible, it still couldn't bring back the one thing that was his. Freedom.

The garden was by a church. The church had tons of them, for those who go missing but are somewhat not found.

However whenever jungkooks family went Tae almost seemed to run away.

The pressure of them thinking it's his fault is to much for him now. Him constantly getting almost hit whilst being shouted at, things were just getting out of hand for them.

He knew his grounds, and decided to stay away.

He waited for the parents of the boy to head out of the garden. Hiding to get the approval of their presence.

As no one was in the garden, Tae decided to head on in.

He was dressed in a smart suit with another set of flowers he usually brings every month. But just for this special occasion, with a nice card.

He tightened his tie before placing the flowers and the card underneath jungkooks big photo. The photo always made Tae tear up. Almost like he lost him yesterday.

He could never come to terms of when he lost him that day. He could never face the awful knowing of the truth.

He just wanted Jungkook to be alright. But he knew he wasn't. He knew. He knew exactly what he was. But he could never stand the horrifying thought of that being true.

He decided to ignore it. Push that thought and feeling way back in his heart and mind. Fearing that it will crawl back very soon.

It meant that he still thinks there is a chance. He still think there's a slight chance. That he could be found.

He kneeled down in front of the picture. Tears rolling down the soft cheeks. Humbly making little puddles on the ground below him.

"Hey Jungkook," He cried.

"I passed my music exam. I got an A*"

He let out a brief smile before stroking the picture in front of him.

"You always told me I would be able to do it," He let out a sigh, before trying to compose himself before breathing.

"I would try anything I could to find you...but I don't know if you are even out there."

He sat there in silence. The redness in his cheeks from the hotness and the emotional train wreck himself.

With his hand still on the picture. He looked down. Thinking of the memories.

"Jungkookie. Over here!!" Tae called from a distance.

The fair was beautiful at night. The lights shining brightly.

Jungkook headed over to Tae with a wide smile. He shimmered just like the moon did that night.

"Tae Tae. I couldn't find you."

"That's because I'm always hard to find," Tae says with a Laugh. Wrapping his arm round the young boy.

"So what are we doing here?" Jungkook questioned.

"I thought we could have some fun. Go on some rides get some food-"


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