Where have you been...

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Tae couldn't move. He couldn't breathe.

"Taehyung...." he said whilst crying.


Jungkook stood up. He looked so ruined and beaten. Tae was surprised he wasn't dead. He didn't understand.

Tae started to walk closer. The tears dropping from his eyes.

They both started to walk, getting closer and closer. Getting even more emotional.

Then Tae started to run. He started to run so he couldn't let Jungkook leave again.

He got closer and closer until he stopped right in front of him. He examined his dead beat boyfriend up and down. His heart breaking into pieces looking at how broken he was.

Tae let out a small smile before hugging him softly but tightly. Their cries hitting each other.

Jungkook stroked the boys hair. His eyes filled with the blur from the tears that dropped down.

"Listen to me...Tae you need to get away"

"Get away...from what!?"

"Get away from here..."

Tae wiped away his tears, his face turned more serous as Jungkook went on, the calm and collected Jungkook still talking.

"Tae please I need you to listen to me....."

"They want me to kill you....they want me to kill you Tae," he said whilst holding tae tightly.

Taehyung had his hands, that were shaking, cupped on jungkooks face.

"What do you mean Jungkook?"

"They want me to kill you. They wanted me to watch you. Tae you need to get out of here please-"

"Who wants to kill me Jungkook who?!"

"The men...the men..." Jungkook stood there with a serous but calm face. Almost like it was the last time he was going to be on this earth.

"How have you got here Jungkook? How have you got here," Tae couldn't help but want to kiss the broken boy. He had never seen Jungkook so calm at this situation. He could see the tears forming in jungkooks eyes but they didn't seem to affect Jungkook.

"I have to kill you today....but I can't I don't want to. I'm not going to."

"Wait they want you to kill me now!-"

"Yes...Tae they're watching us..."

Tae looked away from Jungkook. Shook by the accusation. He loved Jungkook with all his heart. But he couldn't help but get emotional.

"Jungkook...what about that call...you said you needed me."

"I did. I didn't think it would end like this," he said with a sad laugh, tears still dropping.

Tae didn't know what to do but to go to the police.

He looked around to see if anyone was there. No one was around.

"Jungkookie should we go to the police?" Suddenly Tae was welcomed to a sudden worried Jungkook. He shook his head as hard as he could.

"No!! Don't go to the police!"

"Then what should we do!"

Jungkooks tears started to show even more. Before leaning into Tae. And kissing him for the first time in two years.

Tae started to cry mid kiss. The memories or jungkooks lips coming back to him. But the kiss felt different. Almost like this would be his final kiss from Jungkook. Almost like He knew Jungkook was going to go.

Flames.. [ TAEKOOK]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora