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Today is the day. I don't know what I'm feeling. Nervousness? Happiness? Excitement? I just want to get it over with already, not in a bad way it's just that, I've never really liked going on dates. I always mess up or something goes wrong. I want this one to be perfect.

I am currently outside on the patio. I needed some fresh air to take all this in. It's gonna be a long night. I wonder what I should wear? I wonder where he is taking me?

I decide to text Gilinsky my thoughts:


R= just out of curiosity, where exactly are we going?

I wait. It's only 9:54. I wonder if he's up yet. Oh well. I head back inside and sit on the couch. As I turn on the tv, my phone vibrates. He replied to my message.

G= I shall not tell thou. It is a secret that I shall keepeth to thy self.

I scrunch my face in confusion. What? Why won't he tell me? What's so important about it? I respond.

R= at least tell me what to wear, please?

G=I shall. Thou can wear a casual garment. If thou want to weareth a gown, yee shall be very pleased. Thou's choice.

R= okay. I'll see you tonight. ;)

G=farewell, my love. :)

I need Katie, pronto. I don't know what to wear. She knows what to do. She has a great fashion taste. Oh wait, she's gone.

Well, looks like I'm on my own. Ugh. I was never the type of girl to care what I wear but, this is a special occasion and I need to look good.

I head upstairs and open my closet. What to wear, what to wear. I look through my dresses cause, he suggested I wear one, and I pick out a few casual ones to try on.

I got four dresses, the first one is pink with lace, simple. I don't like lace, next. This one is light green with a yellow belt, those colors don't match, next. This one is blue with beading at the top and sequins at the bottom, too fancy, next. The last one is navy blue with orange flowers on it with an orange belt, I like it.

I chose the dress and laid it on my bed. What shoes, what shoes? Sandals. I got some sandals and put them next to the bed, they where orange so they match, perfect.

I then got my purse and set it down on the dress. The purse was also orange, perfect. This is by far going to be the best date ever, I can feel it.

G=be ready by 6:30 ish? I'll come get you.

R= I'll be ready.

G= can't wait to see your gorgeous face again ;)

R= what happened with your accent?

G=you liked it?

R= it was actually pretty hot. Hope you get it back ;)

G= I found yee accent again. Do not trouble my dear, everything is dandy.

R= I won't :)

G= see thou shortly

R= you too

G= good day my lady

R= bye baby*



I literally can't wait for the date. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I hope she says yes, I mean, she has too. I'll be devastated if not.

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