Want to vs. Have to.

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The past two weeks have been complete and utter hell. 

And that's saying alot. 

I've been chugging anxiety and ADHD pills along with a bunch of other meds that shouldn't be mixed together to put my mindscreen usage to a halt, so they won't see me and because of how much they've been overloading my brain lately. Ever since that bomb blew up back at the Anderson residence, I've been having constant overloads of information; some of it is useless and some of it is useful. Headaches and dizziness are a new normal for me now since this all happened and made me a pillpopper for advil and tloyno. 

And then there's the team.

I've been avoiding them the best I can but it's kinda hard when you where you live is also where they work and one of them lives. And don't forget, I need to be relavent enough to where nobody gets suspicious and starts asking questions but stay far enough to where I won't accidently hear something that the bad guys would be saying as useful information. 

Most of the time I'm a ghost, I have to be. 

I've barely been talking/seeing my 'friends' and don't even get me started on Ralph.

I see it in Ralph's face when I tell him that I won't help him with his coding; the look practically kills me when I see the spark of excitement fade out of his hazel colored eyes. I barely see them in school now because when lunchtime rolls around, I hide in the abandoned classroom of 234. 

And that's where I am currently; hiding with my thoughts. 

That was until the door's knob shifted slightly, it alerting my attention. My eyes widened as I grabbed my bag and dashed over to the other side of the room, hiding behind the teacher's big desk at the corner of the room. 

My back was pressed against the cool metal desk, one of the handles digging into my spine making it extremely uncomfortable. My breathing was slow and steady, the exact opposite of my heartbeat, which was thumping against my chest so hard, I'm not surprised that the person could hear it. 

I tensed up the immediately when I heard the door open and close, cluching my brown leather backpack closer to me. The thing is, I remember vivily that I locked the door when I went in. 

"Katt?" A voice called out, a familiar one. 

I jumped up from behind the teacher's metal desk to see Nico Crogrove standing near the SMART Board that is connected to the wall. I awkwardly stood up from behind the teacher's desk. "Hi." 

Nico raised an eyebrow out of curiousity. "What are you doing?" 

I chuckled awkwardly. "I, uh, I was hiding just in case it was a teacher." 

Nico chuckled dryly. "Smart." 

I cracked a smile. "Well, I am a genius." 

Silence filled the room once again. Nico started to walk around the classroom without a desination and I studied him, trying to figure out why he was here. 

I cleared my throat and walked away from the teacher's desk. "Look, as much as I like you-" 

"I wish I could say the same." Nico slipped in casually as he drawed on the brown wooden desk with his pointy finger. 

I glared at him before continuing. "As much as I like you, I'm still wondering why your here." 

"Look, I don't know what your doing or trying to succeed at but I've had enough of it." Nico blurted out, almost seeming to snap like a twig. "You're hurting my friends, especially Ralph." 

I winced when he mentioned Ralph's name, turning away from him. Why did he have to bring this up, why did Nico had to bring Ralph's name? Doesn't he know it hurts?

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