Drunk, but not in love.

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The team was worrying all last night, but Walter didn't understand human emotion, so he thought that Kardia would be okay, but she wasn't. Paige was worried as being the motherly figure, and Happy convinced herself that Kardia would be fine. Paige and Toby told everything that Kardia told them, and them being shocked. How could a little girl go past all this touture, and still smile? After a while, Walter got everyone out of the garage before 12 am. Then, around 6, everyone came into the garage and even Ralph asked if Kardia came back from wherever she was. Walter replied no. He won't show it, but he was starting to get a tad bit worried. It's been more than 10 hours since Kardia took off. Walter told himself that he she didn't come at 1 o'clock, he would go looking for her. Work in the garage went smoothly, as it was around 11 o'clock, when someone opened and closed the garage door, and appeared Kardia. 

"Kardia!" Paige rushed over to Kardia and gave her a hug and noticed that Kardia smelled like liqour. 

Toby studied Kardia's state. "You're drunk."

Kardia held one finger to tell him to hang on. "I've been into worse situations, but I finally got drunk!" 

"Why would you do that Kardia?" Ralph said. "How many did you have?" He walked over and helped Kardia over to the couch. Kardia rubbed her head. 

"In terms of shots? 26." Kardia rubbed. "I can't get drunk. I just can't." Kardia had tears flowing down her face, and everyone realized that she wasn't talking about her become drunk, she was saying something else. 

Kardia rubbed her eyes, trying to stop the tears from flowing. "I'm such an idiot. You guys probably don't want a drunken idiot in the garage  anymore."

Silence filled the garage.

"You're not a drunken idiot, Kardia. You're like us. And geniuses always help one another." Walter said.¨You have both a high IQ and  a high EQ. And that's incredible. ¨

Kardia chuckled as she wiped her tears off her face. "Thanks Walter." Kardia stood up, but immediately she got dizzy and fell back on the couch. 

"Can someone help me get upstairs so I can change?" Kardia asked, nervously. 

"I'll help." Paige said as she looped one arm around Kardia's waist, and one on her arm to steady her as  Paige got Kardia up the stairs and into her room. When Paige opened Kardia's room, she kinda expected it to be messy, but it wasn't. It was tidy and neat, and everything had a place.

Kardia suddenly dashed into the bathroom as Paige followed and held Kardia's hair as Kardia threw up. It remembered Paige of when she was pregnant with Ralph, and spent many morning puking her guts in the toilet. When Kardia finish puking her guts in the toilet, Paige flushes and gets clothes for Kardia while she brushes her teeth. Kardia takes a quick shower, which confused Paige. 

¨You don't like taking long showers?" Paige asked. 

Kardia shook her head as she tugged on her shirt. ¨ No, it's just that time goes so slow for me. So, when I think that I have been in the shower for 11 minutes, I've really was in there for six.¨

Paige handed Kardia a shirt as their was an awkward silence between them. Kardia finished changing and then turned to face Paige. "Hey, look, I'm sorry that I made you cry last night. It was cruel for me to add that detail in".

Paige shook her head. "No, it's okay. You were just trying to tell me what happened."

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go to sleep, Paige." Kardia said suddenly, wanting to avoid what happened last night, and her decision making skills. 

"Oh." Paige said. "Well, sleep well."

Paige walked over to the door, almost out of the room when she walked over and kissed Kardia's forehead. Kardia was shocked, but tried not to show it. It's been awhile since anyone showed any sorta affection to her. Paige walked out of the room and closed the door. Kardia started to cry silently as reached into her bag and pulled out a small stuffed cow. She started to pet it, as she cried, and then glanced at her closet. She held the stuffed cow close to her, and walked over to the closet, as if she was a little girl, making sure that there were no monsters in her closet. 

Kardia slammed the closet's door and walked back to her bed, still petting the stuffed cow that Sadie gave to her when she was ten. Sadie told her that with this cow, you're never alone. But even though there were more than five people that was downstairs, she never felt so alone and with that thought, she fell asleep. 


Kardia's POV

I woke up with the sounds of silence. I stretched as I placed the small cow on her pillow and made my bed, making sure it was nice and neat. I studied my room. It was mostly white, which is why I needed to buy some stuff to brighten up my room. Make it more lively. I get up and a song from a radio starts to play, making sure my fear doesn't get the best of me. Then, I hear talking, which causes me to put my phone in my back pocket and reach into my closet to take out a metal baseball bat. Don't ask how or where I got it. 

I quickly and quietly step down the stairs to see Walter talking to I assume the team, talking about Super Fun Guy the movie. I sigh and place my metal baseball bat down and walk back upstairs to put the baseball bat away. I walk down stairs. 

"Hello Sly." I say as I walk to the kitchen. 

"Oh, hello Kardia! The rest of the team went on a case again. I left some ginger ale and crackers on the table." Sly said happily as he went back to talking to the team. 

I scoffed. "I'm not having a hangover." I sit down on the table and have some ginger ale and crackers. I finish the crackers and ginger ale and head back upstairs, and pull out my computers and phone. I had somethings to do. Sadly. But the rest of the day went pretty smooth, nothing horrible. And I did a movie marathon. With Walter. 

Hello Lovies! So, guess who was feeling good and decided to not give you such a long cliffhanger? I did! Sorry, this chapter was really short, only about  1135 words so, sorry! I will see you guys next time. Also don't be a silent reader! Please vote and comment, and read my other books, Locked, and I also opened a Plot shop! And one last thing, can anyone guess what is Kardia's fear? Comment down below!

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