Oh, The problems.

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Unknown's POV

I wait quietly for the guards to change their position. I glance at my watch and then at the guard as he moves along. 5 minutes and 23 seconds. Don't screw it up.  I play Eminen's Till I Collapse. It's a good song. Besides the swearing. I push the door and see four guys.  I guess this won't  to a walk in the park.  The men were playing poker. I walk a few more steps and stop, intil one of them spot me. They all stand up ready to pounce. I smile sweetly. "Hi, boys." I say in a sing-song voice as my smile disappeared into a serious face as two of the them charge to me.

I sigh as one tries to throw a punch but I simply grab the wrist, twist it and gave him a little  push toward the wall. As I socked the next guy in the brain, making sure to make sure the he's knocked out, not dead. I walk toward the other to guys, which I was guessing that they were newbie's because they were awkwardly in a fighting stance. I smirked as I fish a small, round shape, as I walk it transformed into a long, black stick with electricity crackling around it. I hit them with perfect calculation, as the truck started to move. I turned to the truck as it was slowly pulling out. "Shit." I whispered to myself as I run, I put my stick back in mini form and jump on the back of the trucks railing. I open it as the door is flailing around as I try to get in but every time, it will slam, and there's one thing that I don't want to happen in this life is to get my head copped off. Yeah, not on my bucket list.

Finally, the door swings wide enough for me a quickly slide in and slam it shut. I sigh as I get to work finding the software K.A.T.T.

Back to Team Scorpion.....

The fast speeding cars picked up on the lonely highway as Paige was in the driver seat, clocking in at 290 miles per hour and not slowing down. This reminded Walter of the first time they met. They were speeding down the streets in all green lights. Walter glanced at Paige. Nothing has really changed, has it?  Walter sighed and went back to looking at his computer.

"Are we closer to the target?" Paige asked.

 Walter looked at the coordinates at the bottom of the screen.  "It's 2.-"

Guns started to fire off at the car as Walter and Paige duck under the fire. "Found them!" Paige exclaimed as they countined to fire more rounds at the car.  "So, those cars are blocking the one in the middle which is probably where the software is, so Happy, Toby , Cabe you need to make a distraction to move them out of their formation because we only have 30 miles left of road or else we can't keep up with them after that so we have to get to them before they reach the  location." Walter explained. "While I get the software and then we get the heck out of here." 

Two fast speeding cars zoom past Walter's and Paige's car as they try to wiggle in the circle . Walter took that as a comfirmation that the team heard what he said. He looked back at his computer to see and try to see the weak points in the formation that they had.  There were two cars in the front of the truck, one on both sides and three at the back.  Paige slowed down just alittle bit, not enough for us to lose them but just enough to see if there's a small opening. And it worked.  Cars were twisting and turning, dodging each other. The place was like a smoke screen. You could barely see. It kinda reminded Paige of Bumper Cars, but in this case, if you hit a another car, your a goner.

"The truck, it's getting away!" Cabe accounted over the coms.

"Not on our watch." Paige said as she stepped on the petal, the car moving forward suddenly, causing both Walter and Paige to get pushed back into their seats as the car moves forward.

They chased down the truck, but time was running out. "Guys, we only got 15 more miles before the window's closed, so you better get in and out now!" Toby alerted.

Walter started to close the computer and unbuckle his seat belt. "Uh, Walter what are you doing?" Paige glanced several times at Walter.

"Paige, I want you to get as close to the vehicle as possible, and hold it steady, and let me do all the rest." Walter popped open the sunroof of the car and climbed up to the top. "Oh, my god." Paige whispered. 

"Holy, crap is that Walter?!" Toby asked, trying to get a better view from Happy's car. 

Paige slowly got close enough to the truck and Walter walks on the car and jumps to the truck's back handles and holds on to them for dear life. Walter opens one of the doors and slips inside the truck. 

Walter closes the door and notices it's too quiet, but the only sound is the humming of the engine, and the clacking sound of the keyboard, and muttering. 

Walter scanned his surrounds and found a pipe. He picked it up and just as he was about to make another step, a voice said, in a kinda monotone way, "Don't ever think about, your to easy." 

Walter nearly dropped the pipe when he saw who he was confronting. It was a girl, Walter couldn't guess it but maybe 15 or 14? She had curly blonde hair, and light pale skin. She was typing fast on the computer, and I mean fast. She kept glancing upward and typing in the air. It was kinda awkward to watch. Is that what I look like when I'm in the rabbit hole?  Walter wondered. Just as he was about to take a step forward, the girl spoke in her same monotone voice. 

"Don't even think about it." She was still typing, not bothering to glance at him. 

Walter looked at the driver, who was slumped, probably passed out. 

"I'm controlling the wheel from here, I'm multi-tasking." The blonde said. 

"Look, you don't know what your doing." Walter takes a step forward. 

The blonde turned around and faced him. Walter finally got a good look at her. Her eyes... they weren't normal. 

"I know what I'm doing unlike you, who works for the government, because the-" 

She never got to finish her sentence as something slammed into the truck and tumbled down the road. 

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