Death Doesn't Let You Say Goodbye.

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(So, either this chapter, I'm going to screw it up badly and ruin it, or I'm going to make someone cry and it was actually that good. Anyway, play The Scientist by Coldplay when I tell you and play Breathe Me by Sia when I tell you. The signal to play The Scientist by Coldplay will be this: *^. In bold, too.  The signal to play Breathe Me by Sia will be this: <>. Also will be in bold to. Enjoy this nice and long chapter, which is about 7,924 words and written in less than two days. Enjoy ;) . 

I walk down the steps, trailing behind Walter, who seemed 100 percent done with my shit, but that didn't stop me from bugging him so I could stay home from school. Megan's parents were going to visit, because, well, their daughter was going to die. They didn't hide me away from Megan, away from her cold hands and pale face that seemed it be lifeless. I wanted to be right next to her when she closed her eyes, when she was going to be gone. At least I could say goodbye if she did. But I tried to not let that down my mood, but you could feel it everywhere. The sadness. The realization. The hurtness. The pain. 

"Come on, Walter, why can't I stay?" I whined as my feet bounce up and down. 

Walter placed his papers down on his desk. "What did I tell you before? You'll meet them after school." 

"Megan is getting worse, and I want to stay by her side." I argued.  

"No, your going to school, and that's final." Walter said in a stern voice. I groaned and jumped off the desk. "Sure, Dad."  I mockingly say and grab my backpack. 

"Ralph, Kardia! We gotta go!" Paige said, as she hurried us to the car. Ralph asked her why she didn't come with us out the door, she replied with that she needed to talk to Walter really quick. I narrowed my eyes at her but obeyed, and when I slam the door shut to the car, I quickly excess my mind screen and find the audios I placed around the garage. 

"I don't want her to be around when it happens. It's for her own good." Walter pointed out. 

Paige sighed. " I know, but what happens if Megan dies while she's in school?" 

Walter paused to think of that question, which scared me a bit. "You'll break the news." Silence filled the place until I saw Paige come out of the garage and into the car. I closed my mind screen, my heart skipping a few beats. 

"You okay, mom?" Ralph asked, analyzing his mother's worried facial expressions. 

Paige's sad face was replaced with a bright smile. "Yeah, sweetie." She reached over to ruffle Ralph's hair. She glanced over to me. 

"Now, let's get you two to school." Paige started the car and pulled out of the spot, as I shove my earbuds into my ears, searching for the song that I wanted to play. My Demons by Starset  goes off into my ears, as I stare out the window, and the bright sun seemed to curse the day for good. 

We seemed to teleport to the school because in a blink of an eye, we were at the school and the song changed to a more depressing song that seemed to fit the mood, even though it was bright and sunny. I sighed and grabbed my backpack. I really wanted to stick up the middle finger to the sun but I think the adults around me will disagree with that action. I slipped out of the car and slam the door shut, letting a tiny bit of my pain go with that action and Paige seemed to noticed. 

"Kardia." Paige called out. 

"What?" I said in a harsh tone, but softed it. "What is it, Paige?" 

Paige sighed. "You know what's about to happen, right?" 

"I know what gonna happen to her." I twisted the ring that Meg gave me, avoiding eye-contact with Paige. 

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