Bombs Up!

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When I walk in, I'm surprised that there isn't any guards on duty. When I see the person who watches the kids and most of the servalince in this section, he's asleep. I smirk. I walk over quietly to the desk and take the keys from guy, which is pretty heavy. All of a sudden, I hear several gunshots, and the guard jolts awake. I look at him and punched him right in the face. Reflex.

I hesitented of leaving where the guard was. I needed to get all the guards in one place. I smirked. I grab the microphone and said sweetly.

¨All guards report to the B section door, all guards report to the B section door. " I put down the microphone and grab jugs of water and pour it on the floor and then I take out my pocket knife and cut one of the live wares and put it in the water, just for alittle fun.

They won't know what hit them until it does. I smile as I jump over the water and run in a different direction but a secret hidden entrance that I found long ago.

I hear the foot stomps of more than 20 guards slip right into my plan as their screams filled the hall. I just had to smile, as I remember a quote that I probably read in a movie of a quote.

I'm so bad it's actually funny.

I find the vent were I slowly undo the screws which are already loose because sometimes I sneaked out at night to get away from this hell hole. Trust me, no matter who proper you are, who perfect you are, if you were in my situation, you will do anything and I mean anything to get away.

I carefully pull out the bomb from my brown leather backpack, making sure that it doesn't explode in my face because, well, that will be really bad. I look at the timer. 4 minutes and 23 seconds. I take a deep breath, and go into the vent.

The vent is actually kinda big, a bit bigger than me, but a least I'm not going to get stuck in it, like Walter or Toby.

Then, I hear a voice over the comms.

"Hey K, how's it going?" I recognize Toby's voice.

"Fine." I say as I crawl my way up to the vent.

"Well, that fire alarm pull that you did cleared out two of the sections out of four section, but we are working on the other two."

I scoffed. "Well, move faster! You got about three minutes, before this thing blows!"

I crawl and stop. A little place in the corner of the vent. And it's perfectly sized for the bomb. Bingo. I wiggle my arms to move the bomb into the small corner in the vent, as I place the bomb, a last push to concel it.

2 minutes and 35 seconds. Wonderful.

I crawl quickly out of the vent, not even bothering to close it, grabbing my two bags that I picked up and running as fast as I can out of the this place. Which is about to be to be blown up.

Once I get out of the place and into the golden sand, I run even fast as I see in the distance a about two dozen police cars, and another government type of crap, and Scorpion.

I get a bunch of names popping up my face, because that's what you get when you have the internet hardwared into your brain. Nobody said that good things come with a price, right?

As, I'm still running, because apparently they couldn't park closer to the building, or maybe that's because I have been carrying two bags of crap that's been weighting down. Because, when you have binders, files, folder, notebooks, books, tech,clothes, and makeup, it gets kinda heavy, you know?

Then, the bomb sets off, causing a massive explosion. The force off the wave knocks me off my feet, making me hit the hard sand. I cover my neck as bits and pieces of dirt, sand, wood and metal fall all around me.

I get up and turn around. The place was in pieces as a smile was on my face. Granted, I used a little more than I should have but what ever.

"Woohoo!" I yell as my fists were pointing at the big, white fluffy cloud that were on hovering over me.

I sigh as I watched for a few seconds the building burn. It felt so good that, that place would never hurt someone ever again. I ran my fingers into my hair and pick up my two backpacks, walked the rest of the way.

Bad Guys : 0 Katt: 1

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