A Plan.

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After 30 minutes or hardcore working, they finally got it done. Making a bomb litteraly from scratch. And in under an hour. And that was only because I made it in my free time. Your probably wondering, how in the navy blue seals did you smuggle bombs into a place, that  is freakin' crazy?!  Well, my response is to that is,  I do it all the time!

No, I don't do this all the time by the way, or else I would have been on the top ten most wanted list in America. Also accounced as a terrorist, which I'm truly not. I'm just an eleven year old girl, with a bad attitude and an crazy insane personality.  

Anyway, as we finished the bomb and its timer, Walter asked, "How much time do we have ?"

I check the computer as I saw the clock click down. He sped it up. Again.  This guy knows what we are up to. I slam the computer close, and grabbing some of the pieces. "Twenty  minutes." I turn them to see their reaction, but all I saw were plank faces, and an sad silence over the garage. Walter clap his hands together to get everybody's attention. 

"Then, we better not waste anymore time. Come on people let's head out!" Walter demanded as we got ready and headed out of the garage, ready to kick some bad guy butt. 

As we are all sitting in the van, and Happy driving like hell down the highway, which have had to say, I drive like her. Seriously. But we didn't go past any red lights which I would have but since I'm not to the driver seat, well, you'll see that another day. So, as were driving at 70 miles an hour, and I have a bomb in my hands. Yup, totally on my bucket list. Probably, not on any other girl's  bucket list. An normal girl's bucket list is probably to kiss a guy before senior year and get 150 likes on one of her Instagram photos. Not me. I'm holding a bomb in my hand, and sitting next to a sweating Sly. Yipee.

So as we were just about to pull up the building, an old warehouse, I don't know what I did, but I kinda set off the timer. Crap. 

Sly was the first one to say it out loud, "Oh My God, the bomb is active!" 

And all hell broke lose, because a van fulled off six full grown adults can't even keep calm, when they been into worse situations than this. In the mist of all the yelling and the panicking, I hear  Cabe yell out of all of this which I thank him very much, because he all he said was two words. 

"SHUT UP!" Cabe yelled, causing everyone to go quiet. Cabe turned to me. "How much is left on the timer. I glance at the clock. " Six minutes and 37 seconds."

"Okay, I'll call the bomb squad..."Cabe kept talking but I didn't hear them because I was estimating the time the bomb squad will get here, but wouldn't and not in time. I grab my backpack and try stuffing it in my backpack. 

"There's not going to be enough time for the bomb squad, to get here so, get everyone got of the building, and I'll take out the guards." I push open the car door, as everyone was shouted for me to come back to the car but, I didn't listen. Am I crazy? Yes. Insane? Correct. But I knew that they won't make it in time, plus I a could die in under six minutes so, I also have that pressure too. 

I run to the warehouse. Oh, yes the place I've called home for what, three or four years? Can't remember. I slowed down when I got to the entrance of the building, where two guys were standing their, with guns in there hands, but that didn't bother me. 

"Hey." I said as I place my bag on the scanning things as it slowly went into the machine, and before they could alert the warehouse, I grab one of the guys head and hit it on the metal table a few times, while the other guy was probably a newbie, and so I kinda felt bad for him, so I just grabbed my taster from my pocket and gave him a few volts. Not too much that I could kill him. I grab my backpack from the machine slot, run over to the computer and started to override the cameras. I looked at the video camera that was up on the corner of the warehouse. It seemed to be turned off. I hope it is. 

I stuff my hand into my pocket, turned to a find the ear piece that I pick up along the way. I turned it on and putted in my ear. I got some static at first, but it didn't matter. "Hello?" I shouted into the ear piece. "Hello? Can anybody hear me?"

"I'm hearing you, Katt." A voice said over the comms. It took me a few seconds to figure it out it was Paige. 

"Paige?" I ask.

"Yes, it's me." Paige confirmed, along with everyone else.

I continued to type on the computer, trying to disable the locks so they can get pass with ease.

"Look, I just took out the cameras and I'm now disabling all of the lock keys, but there will  be guards inside, but once you get past them you have to get the subjects out of the their before I set the bomb, so try to make it easy for me." I get the locks disabled. 

"How much time do we have left?" I heard Walter ask over the comms. 

I pull my phone from my back pocket, as I swing my backpack over my shoulder. I check the time.

" Five minutes and 12 seconds." I answered.   

"Got it, now how do we know who's a guard and who's a subject?" Cabe asks, as I ran over to the door. 

I sigh as I put my hands on the door to push open. 

"The people who shoot  you are probably the guards, this isn't rocket science Cabe." I say in my know-it-all voice as I push the heavy door open. I sigh as I grip one of the straps on the backpack. 

Oh, it's going to be a long five minutes. 

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