Go Hack Yourself, if Possible.

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We drove to Richard's building where I spotted Toby and Sly having a conversation I'm guessing about Happy, who was a few feet away from them, her smiling and laughing like her just won an award. Cabe parks as we get out of the car and Toby asks what type of flu does he have. I answer Toby's question by saying the hangover type as we walk into the building, and Walter takes his shades off. 

"Woah." I look all around the building and then a pair of the building's graphics pop up on my mind screen, causing me to slightly jump. Wow, the first smart building ever created. I thought. I studied the building pros and cons as Richard delivers a speech about the building, talking about it's pros and what's it going to do to the environment, blah, blah, blah. Don't get me wrong, as genius it's all very fascinating and everything, but I'm more interested on how I can hack into this building than the building itself. Sorry, old habits die hard. 

"and Team Scorpion" I heard as my mindscreen quickly goes away as I look up to see people clapping, so I clap to go with the part. Walter looks pale but nods slightly at Richard as the people keep clapping away and Paige quickly fixes Walter. 

"So, look at the building and enjoy the refreshments and food." Richard says he gets down from the stand and walks over to Walter. "You made it." He shakes Walter's hand as I peep out of my spot, not looking so formal in this type of setting so I stick out like a red umbrella in a bunch of black ones. Not very good. Richard catches my eye as I sent a smile toward his way. 

"And who is this?" Richard asked Walter. "Is she a new team member?" 

"Yes, Richard meet Katt. We worked with him when his daughter was kidnapped." Walter said. 

I stick out my hand for him to shake. "Hello, I'm Katt. Pleasure to meet you." 

Richard hestiantly shook my hand and said, "But you're only-" 

"11 years old, yes I know." I said, annoyed. Gosh, do people always assume that you're not a genius because you're just a kid. Wow, I can't wait till I turn 18, at least by then, people will take me seriously. 

"She has the highest IQ in the team." Paige said, not wanting for him to think that I wasn't smart. 

Richard brushed off Paige's comment and introduced Walter to the head of security, and he asked if Walter was feeling alright cause he looked a little flushed. Honestly, I would be too if I could get drunk. I guess I won't know what I hangover is until I get this mind screen out of my head, but that would be a long time. 

"Never been better." Walter assured the guy, as Richard whispered, "Good because we have a problem". 

We followed Richard and the security guy to the elevator, Walter explain that it is common for last minute glitches to happen, but it should be no worry. Then, a song plays in the elevator, from the playlist of Toby, and which it has been played 17 times this week. I stifled my giggle as the elevator doors open and we walk into this play room, I guess, with two boys and one girl.

"The bubbles stopped." The girl points out as  her was briefly staring at a fish tank.

"The space projector isn't working." One of the boys complained as Sly walked over and said, "I placed everything in here so, excuse in." Sly grabs the projector from the boy's hand as I glance at him, realizing that he has a Super Fun Guy comic, in which Sly acknowledge him as a fun of it. I was a fan of Super Fun guy too, but not as much as Sly.

"Anyway, the room is freezing and it says that it is 70 degrees." Rich says to Walter.

"Don't worry I will fix this, and Kardia?" Walter calls me out.

I come out of my shadow that I was in. "Yeah?" I walk up to Walter, with my hands clasped.

"Can you help me out?" Walter asked. I knew that he was trying to make me impress Rich by including me into fixing the software, so he could impress Richard as well.

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